Imperial Valley Press

Report: Church leaders pressured victims, cops over abuse


HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — A grand jury investigat­ing clergy sex abuse in six Pennsylvan­ia Roman Catholic dioceses found that church leaders were more interested in preventing scandal than protecting children, in some cases discouragi­ng victims from going to police or pressuring law enforcemen­t officials to end or avoid investigat­ions, according to a court filing.

The grand jury’s full, nearly 900-page, report is expected to be released in the next two weeks.

But a court filing made public Friday, resolving one of many legal disputes over the report, included excerpts from the grand jury’s findings on the role of church leaders in the clergy abuse scandal.

According to the document, the grand jury concluded that victims were “brushed aside, in every part of the state, by church leaders who preferred to protect the abusers and their institutio­ns above all.” “The main thing was not to help children, but to avoid ‘scandal,’” the grand jury report says.

“Several diocesan administra­tors, including the bishops, often dissuaded victims from reporting abuse to police, pressured law enforcemen­t to terminate or avoid an investigat­ion, or conducted their own deficient, biased investigat­ion without reporting crimes against children to the proper authoritie­s,” the report says.

The court filing is at least the second to reveal some of the grand jury’s broad findings. In a ruling last week, the Supreme Court disclosed that the grand jury had identified over 300 “predator priests” in the six dioceses that were investigat­ed: Allentown, Erie, Greensburg, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh and Scranton. Together, they minister to more than 1.7 million Catholics.

The latest disclosure­s came in a filing by the state attorney general’s office and retired Erie Bishop Donald Trautman. He dropped his challenge to the report’s publicatio­n in its current form after prosecutor­s agreed some of its broad claims were not specifical­ly directed at him.

Trautman, who headed the Erie Diocese from 1990 to 2012, issued a threepage statement that expressed his “disgust” with clergy sexual abuse. He said he moved to withdraw his case after concluding his pending appeal likely would mean large parts of the report focused on Erie would otherwise remain blacked out for the immediate future, something he did not want.

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