Imperial Valley Press

Mandela’s widow urges world: put egos aside and end violence


UNITED NATIONS — Nelson Mandela’s widow challenged world leaders celebratin­g his life on Monday to put their egos and partisan politics aside and honor his legacy by ending the “senseless violence” plaguing too much of the world.

“History will judge you should you stagnate too long in inaction,” Graca Machel told a U.N. “peace summit” commemorat­ing the 100th anniversar­y of Mandela’s birth. “Humankind will hold you accountabl­e should you allow suffering to continue on your watch.”

With peace a scarce commodity, Machel’s challenge was echoed by U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and other leaders who acknowledg­ed the world is far from achieving Mandela’s ideals which also include human rights and global cooperatio­n.

“Today, with human rights under growing pressure around the world, we would be well served by reflecting on the example of this outstandin­g man,” Guterres said.

“We need to face the forces that threaten us with the wisdom, courage and fortitude that Nelson Mandela embodied.”

The tributes to Mandela began with a rare U.N. honor — the unveiling of a $1.8 million statue of the South African anti-apartheid campaigner who became the world’s most famous political prisoner, played a key role in ending white-minority rule, and became president in the country’s first democratic election. The statue is a gift to the United Nations from South Africa.

His arms are outstretch­ed in the statue, as if to embrace people everywhere. But after the cover was pulled off, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, with help from Guterres, placed a small South African flag in his lapel.

The day-long summit, with nearly 160 scheduled speakers, set the stage for Tuesday’s opening of the General Assembly’s annual meeting of world leaders, where conflicts from Syria to South Sudan, rising unilateral­ism, and tackling a warming planet and growing inequality are among issues expected to be in the spotlight.

With a bang of the gavel by General Assembly President Maria Fernanda Espinosa Garces, the leaders on Monday adopted a political declaratio­n resolving “to move beyond words” to promote peace and prevent, contain and end conflicts.

“Dialogue is key, and courage is needed to take the first steps to build trust and gain momentum,” it said.

Garces said Mandela “represents a light of hope for a world still torn apart by conflicts and suffering.”

Like others, she warned of the rise of populism and unilateral­ism and its threat to the 193-member United Nations.

“Drifting away from multilater­alism means jeopardizi­ng the future of our species and our planet,” Garces said.

“The world needs a social contract based on shared responsibi­lity, and the only forum that we have to achieve this global compact is the United Nations.”

The appeal for collective action to tackle the world’s many conflicts, hotspots and challenges is being tested by the “America First” agenda of U.S. President Donald Trump and populist government­s in Italy, Hungary, Austria and elsewhere as well as Britain’s impending divorce from the European Union.

Addressing the Mandela event, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani never mentioned the United States — which has accused Tehran of promoting internatio­nal terrorism, a charge it vehemently denies.

But Rouhani appeared to be taking aim at Trump and his pledge to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexican border when he said Mandela was a model for the “historical reality that great statesmen tend to build bridges instead of walls.”

Alluding to the Trump administra­tion, Cuba’s President Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez said recent announceme­nts about military expenditur­es are “alarming” and are pushing the world into a new arms race “to the detriment of the enormous resources that are needed to build a world of peace.”

South Africa’s Ramaphosa said his country’s “deepest hope” is that the summit, “in the name of one of our greatest exemplars of humanity, serves as a new dawn for the United Nations.”

 ??  ?? In this June 27, 2013, file photo, large photograph­s of former South African President Nelson Mandela are displayed at the Nelson Mandela Legacy Exhibition at the Civic Centre in Cape Town, South Africa. AP PHOTO
In this June 27, 2013, file photo, large photograph­s of former South African President Nelson Mandela are displayed at the Nelson Mandela Legacy Exhibition at the Civic Centre in Cape Town, South Africa. AP PHOTO

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