Imperial Valley Press

Fake border experts


In the president’s message to the nation, citing “our southern border crisis,” he raised the volume on his fear/scare tactics a notch or two. Yes folks! Illegals, criminals, drugs and the sick do enter “America.” But it’s the future (not until five years) more new registered Democrats, that Republican­s fear most. Ayy caramba!

In Vietnam it was LBJ’s brother-in-law’s constructi­on company. In Iraq it was Vice President Cheney’s Halliburto­n Co. Now whose company will be awarded the contract to build the “Wall?”

The Republican­s have never really ever cared much about the American working poor. Yet now, they are saying, “Our tax dollars should go to help our needy first, not immigrants.” Andale!

More military troops to the border. Well it will help our local economy, and maybe some will marry our single women. It’s a win-win for us.

I live in 90 percent Democrat Calexico. I haven’t heard anyone say, “I’m for open borders.” Not one! But the “Real American” media and our president insist that we are.

After Trump spoke in El Paso on the border wall issue, still not one Mexican-American on the news networks discussion panels. Asi es!

Why do American folks that lived so far away from the Mexican borders, think they know more about the border issue than us (El Paso mayor) who live along the four Southwest border states? DANIEL SANTILLAN Calexico

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