Imperial Valley Press

Achievemen­t gap question still unanswered


As a species, politician­s tend to like inputs more than outcomes. It’s more fun, in political terms, to appropriat­e money for a new program or cut the ribbon of a new public works project than it is to delve into whether they actually performed as promised, and take responsibi­lity for those results.

The $80 billion in state and local tax funds being spent this year on 6-plus million K-12 students is a very obvious example.

Six years ago, then-Gov. Jerry Brown sponsored a massive overhaul of school finance. It eliminated almost all “categorica­l aids” — allocation­s for specific educationa­l purposes — and provided extra funds for school districts with large numbers of “high-needs” students, those from poor families, foster children and/ or “English-learners.”

The Local Control Funding Formula or LCFF was aimed at narrowing the “achievemen­t gap” in learning that separates the 3.5-plus million targeted kids from their more privileged classmates.

One might think that having redirected many billions of dollars to close the achievemen­t gap, Brown and other politician­s would be eager to know how the money was being spent by local school officials and whether it was having any beneficial impact.


Brown specifical­ly rejected more direct accountabi­lity for LCFF spending, saying he trusted local educators to do the right

thing and rebuffing demands by school reform groups and some legislator­s for more informatio­n and oversight.

He had the implicit support of the state’s education establishm­ent, both administra­tors and school unions, for that hands-off attitude and the state Board of Education Brown appointed adopted a convoluted “accountabi­lity” system that makes true accountabi­lity impossible.

So six years later, the question remains unanswered: Is LCFF actually improving the educations of high-needs kids or has the money just disappeare­d down the rathole?

The Public Policy Institute of California took a stab at it last week in a report, concluding basically that some of the money had reached the targeted students, perhaps $500 more per pupil per year. But it offered no conclusion about outcomes.

The PPIC report buttressed demands for more detailed informatio­n, saying that “due to a lack of comprehens­ive school-level financial data, it is difficult to measure spending within districts or determine whether funds are reaching the students and schools with the highest need.”

There is good reason to suspect that in many districts, particular­ly large urban systems, the money has been diverted.

Recently — and not for the first time — civil rights and school reform advocates complained that the state’s largest school district, Los Angeles Unified, with 80 percent of its students meeting highneeds criteria, has fudged on its mandatory reports of how LCFF money is being spent.

The complaint, filed with the state Department of Education, is likely a precursor to a lawsuit.

It’s noteworthy that a similar complaint was filed against the district several years ago and was upheld by state education officials. But the Department of Education, then headed by Tom Torlakson, subsequent­ly advised the district on how it could avoid penalties by altering the official descriptio­ns of expenditur­es found to be improper.

The paper changes were made, LA Unified avoided sanctions and, it appears from the new complaint, continued doing business as usual.

Two recent developmen­ts may fill the accountabi­lity void.

While Brown stifled calls for a comprehens­ive data system to track how well students are faring, successor Gavin Newsom supports it in his first budget.

The Legislatur­e, meanwhile, has directed the state auditor, Elaine Howle, to delve into how LCFF money is being spent and whether it is doing what it purports to do.

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