Imperial Valley Press

Exit polls signal setback for Israel’s Netanyahu in election


JERUSALEM — In an apparent setback for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the longtime Israeli leader on Tuesday fell short of securing a parliament­ary majority with his hardline allies in national elections, initial exit polls showed, putting his political future in question.

Results posted by Israel’s three major TV stations indicated that challenger Benny Gantz’s centrist Blue and White party held a slight lead over Netanyahu’s Likud party. However, neither party was forecast to control a majority in the 120seat parliament without the support of Avigdor Lieberman, a Netanyahu rival who heads the midsize Yisrael Beitenu party.

Lieberman said there was only “one option” for the country: a secular unity government between him and the two largest parties.

Israeli exit polls are often imprecise and the final results, expected Wednesday, could shift in Netanyahu’s favor. But three stations all forecast similar scenarios.

The apparent deadlock sets the stage for an extended period of uncertainl­y and complicate­d political maneuverin­g, but with Netanyahu in a relatively weaker bargaining position. The parties could be forced into a broad unity government that could push Netanyahu out.

Gantz, a former military chief of staff, has ruled out sitting with a Netanyahu-led Likud at a time when Netanyahu is expected to be indicted on corruption charges in the coming weeks. Further complicati­ng things, Lieberman refuses to sit in any coalition that includes religious parties that traditiona­lly support Netanyahu.

Attention will now focus on Israel’s president, Reuven Rivlin, who is to choose the candidate he believes has the best chance of forming a stable coalition. Rivlin is to consult with all parties in the coming days before making his decision.

O cials from both Blue and White and Lieberman’s Yisrael Beitenu both said they would seek a broad unity government.

“I want to lower everyone’s expectatio­ns. We aren’t going to join a narrow right-wing government or a narrow left-wing government,” said Eli Avidar, a member of Yisrael Beitenu.

The scenario would leave Netanyahu facing an uncertain future.

Netanyahu, the longest serving leader in Israeli history, had sought to secure an outright majority with his allies to secure immunity from the expected indictment. That now seems unlikely.

Throughout an abbreviate­d but alarmist campaign characteri­zed by mudslingin­g and slogans condemned as racist, Netanyahu had tried to portray himself as a seasoned statesman who is uniquely qualified to lead the country through challengin­g times. Gantz tried to paint Netanyahu as divisive and scandal-plagued, o ering himself as a calming influence and honest alternativ­e.

After casting his ballot in Jerusalem, Netanyahu predicted the vote would be “very close.” Throughout the day, he franticall­y begged supporters to vote.

Voting in his hometown of Rosh Haayin in central Israel, Gantz said “We will bring hope, we will bring change, without corruption, without extremism.”

The election marks their second showdown of the year after they drew even in April.

At the time, Netanyahu appeared to have won another term, with his traditiona­l allies of nationalis­t and ultra-religious Jewish parties controllin­g a parliament­ary majority.

But Lieberman, his mercurial ally-turned-rival, refused to join the new coalition, citing excessive influence it granted the ultra-Orthodox Jewish parties. Without a parliament­ary majority, Netanyahu dissolved parliament and called a new election.

The initial exits polls positioned Lieberman once again in the role of kingmaker. Lieberman has promised to avoid a third election.

Another factor working against Netanyahu was that the fringe, ultranatio­nalist Jewish Power faction, led by followers of the late rabbi Meir Kahane, who advocated expelling Arabs from Israel and creating a Jewish theocracy, failed to cross the electoral threshold.

That dropped the support of Netanyahu’s overall right-wing bloc.

Israel’s attorney general has recommende­d pressing criminal charges against Netanyahu in three separate corruption cases, pending a long-delayed pre-trial hearing scheduled next month. Without immunity, Netanyahu would be under heavy pressure to step aside.

With his career on the line, Netanyahu had campaigned furiously and taken a late hard turn to the right in hopes of rallying his nationalis­t base.

 ??  ?? Blue and White party leader Benny Gantz and his wife Revital vote in Rosh Haayin, Israel, on Tuesday. AP PHOTO/SEBASTIAN SCHEINER
Blue and White party leader Benny Gantz and his wife Revital vote in Rosh Haayin, Israel, on Tuesday. AP PHOTO/SEBASTIAN SCHEINER

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