Imperial Valley Press

Victory over the virus


There is a lot of anxiety out there over the novel coronaviru­s. Although I am old (67) and at-risk (some asthma and married to an asthmatic!), this virus will not win with me. There are many other things I should be more concerned about. My driving for one!

I really don’t like the idea of the government/institutio­ns shutting things down, especially sports events. This is March Madness and the college basketball tournament­s are wonderful thing for ballers/families. There are discussion­s of having the games and not allowing fans to attend! Now that is real March Madness! People should not be restricted from activities that are legal and loved because of health risks. If someone is nervous about getting sick from watching a basketball game, they can stay home. Shouldn’t they forbid people from driving in L.A.? Over 200 people die because of drivers in L.A. last year! Alcohol is legal and promoted on most TV channels. Let’s shut down bars folks!

I also don’t like the government making health decisions for me. The feds used to give free cigarettes to all veterans! They also get us into wars. They also do a poor job of managing polluters. What have they done about air quality, the New River, Salton Sea, etc,? Nada folks.

So don’t worry; be happy. Of course, get flu shots, check-ups, exercise and eat right. Cover your mouth and wash your hands. Do all the stuff we have been doing for decades! Duh! Also, if you know Jesus, that is the best inoculatio­n for anything that troubles people. If you choose to not know the Great Physician, well you should worry about the virus, auto accidents, pneumonia, cancer, other people’s driving, terrorists and the list goes on.

The virus that is getting into our heads is the socialist idea that government knows best and is better at managing my life than I am. We really don’t want that virus to spread, but it is. By the way … I am inoculated from that one, too!


El Centro

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