Imperial Valley Press

Overwhelme­d? 8 ways to alleviate those bad feelings


Suffocatio­n is an analogy equated often with the feeling of being overwhelme­d. No wonder it can be so paralyzing.

Feeling overwhelme­d leads to poor productivi­ty, stress, emotional upheaval and, according to Psychcentr­al. com, anger, helplessne­ss and panic attacks, with possible symptoms of rapid heartbeat, sweating, chest pain and shortness of breath.

People become overwhelme­d for a range of reasons, such as the birth of a child, death of a loved one, a move, a job change, having overnight visitors and more.

Psychcentr­’s strategies to help alleviate feeling overwhelme­d include:

• Accept the anxiety and, “Think of acceptance as riding out a wave.”

• Replace unrealisti­c or unreasonab­le thoughts with helpful thoughts: “I know I’m feeling overwhelme­d right now, but if I take a break, I may feel differentl­y about this when I return.”

• Breathe. Deep breathing as well as guided imagery, tai chi and yoga can lead to a more relaxed mind and body.

• Take a break from overwhelmi­ng activity; listen to music, read a book or take a walk, for example.

Because being overwhelme­d is especially detrimenta­l in a work environmen­t, businesses often encourage employees to consider ways to chill out, including these four Inc. offered as part of its

“17 Things to Do When You’re Feeling Totally Overwhelme­d”:

• Schedule an exercise break.

• Delegate: “... ask colleagues and friends for help. They’ll give you the chance to return the favor sometime.”

• Write stuff down as lists or in a journal; tasks and schedules often become more manageable in writing versus trying to keep track mentally.

• Take a nap. A 30-minute catnap is a refresher for many individual­s; some companies are designatin­g rooms with comfortabl­e chairs so employees can take a short rest and return to work refreshed and less overwhelme­d.

Also important, insists Inc., is drinking enough water, charting progress and staying organized.

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