Imperial Valley Press

Spay and neuter myths

- BY DEVON APODACA Special to This Newspaper Devon Apodaca is executive director of the Humane Society of Imperial County.

Every year, millions of cats and dogs are euthanized in the United States simply because there aren’t enough homes for them all.

Shelters and low-cost spay/neuter organizati­ons are working hard to combat the homeless pet crisis as spay/neuter services are one of the most effective tools in eliminatin­g needless pain, suffering and death.

Spaying (female) and neutering (male) aids in curbing the animal overpopula­tion and has medical and behavioral benefits as well! According to the ASPCA, there are many benefits to spaying and neutering, but there are also a number of myths, rumors and falsehoods circulatin­g about these live-saving procedures.

MYTH: Spaying and neutering will cause pets to gain weight.

FACT: Lack of exercise and overfeedin­g will cause your pet to pack on the extra pounds. Your pet will remain fit and trim as long as you continue to provide exercise, monitor their food intake and cut back on the treats which are full of empty calories.

MYTH: Neutering will cause behavioral changes.

FACT: Unneutered cats and dogs are more likely to mark their territory by spraying strong-smelling urine all over the house. Unneutered dogs also have a tendency to mount other dogs and people. These behaviors may change when your pet is sterilized.

Neutering can help to prevent aggression problems or undesirabl­e behaviors caused by higher levels of testostero­ne. It is important to remember there are no guarantees that spaying and neutering will completely eliminate these behaviors after they have already started and become bad habits. The effects of spaying and neutering are largely dependent on your pet’s individual personalit­y, physiology and history.

MYTH: Spay/neuter operations are expensive.

FACT: The cost of your pet’s spay/neuter surgery is far less than the cost of having and caring for a litter, cancers and other illnesses that our pets can suffer from due to not being spayed or neutered. Plus, the Humane Society of Imperial County and many other organizati­ons offer free or low-cost spay/ neuter services within our community.

MYTH: Spaying and neutering is unhealthy for pets.

FACT: Quite the opposite! Neutering your male cat or dogs prevents testicular cancer and some prostate problems. Spaying helps prevent uterine infections and mammary tumors which are cancerous in about 50 percent of dogs and 90 percent of cats.

Spaying females will also eliminate them from developing pyometra which is an infection in the uterus. The uterus become inflamed and filled with pus due to hormonal imbalances from constantly coming in and out of heat. Pyometra is extremely painful and can go misdiagnos­ed for a long time. If caught too late, it can prove to be fatal.

Spaying and neutering pets will help them live longer, happier and healthier lives.

MYTH: Neutering will make my pet feel like less of a male.

FACT: Pets do not have any concept of ego or sexual identity, and neutering a pet will not change that.

What might change, however, is that your male dog will be less likely to roam from home in search of a mate. An unaltered male will do just about anything to find a girlfriend, including finding extremely clever ways of escaping the house or yard. Once he’s free to roam, he risks injury or death by being hit by a car or from fights with other male dogs.

Spayed female pets won’t go into heat. Female cats usually go into heat four to five days every three weeks during breeding season. In an effort to let suitors know that she’s “available,” she will yowl and urinate more frequently — sometimes all over the house!

As you can see, spaying and neutering our fur-kids will help prevent or help in controllin­g unwanted behaviors, and it definitely eliminates unnecessar­y pain and suffering. Most importantl­y, spaying and neutering will keep our pets where they belong – in their loving homes with their families.

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