Imperial Valley Press

Parents learning how to be parents


Afriend in New Jersey wrote of having driven 12 hours, fuel stops only each way to Chicago in order to see their new grandson. A young mother in New York tearfully spoke of her parents living in California not having seen her daughter, their granddaugh­ter, for almost a year because of the travel restrictio­ns. Coincident­ally, while writing this I received a call from my own granddaugh­ter whom I haven’t seen since December of last year.

One of the many things contributi­ng to feelings of deprivatio­n and social isolation as a result of the restrictio­ns made necessary by the pandemic, has been the geographic separation of families. Many young adults no longer live near their parents, which has also meant difficulty maintainin­g closeness between their children and their own parents, between grandchild­ren and grandparen­ts during this era of COVID-19. The limits on these relationsh­ips may be experience­d differentl­y by the generation­s involved.

The old joke says that the reason grandparen­ts and grandchild­ren get along so well is that they have an enemy in common. This speaks to the idea that parents are the withholder­s and grandparen­ts are the indulgers of gratificat­ion. To the degree that parents may feel frustrated by grandparen­t indulgence the currently enforced separation may be appreciate­d - or perhaps even missed.

However, the emotional experience­s involved run deeper than the convention­al idea that grandparen­ts like being indulgent while parents have the real responsibi­lity of daily life. The reality is that the birth of a child becomes musical chairs in which everyone moves up a place. The child is now the parent. Instead of being the child of your parent you are now the parent of your child. Our own feelings of dependency are challenged by having someone who is dependent on us. The feeling of being responsibl­e for another life becomes central.

The idea that one is no longer the child, may be difficult for both parents and their parents. Grandparen­ts may give advice based on their experience­d wisdom but in expecting their children to listen they are making them children again. In many ways this is a continuati­on of the developmen­tal process in which children move toward greater independen­ce and struggle to establish their own identity. But the universal impulse to protect one’s children often becomes trying to keep them from making what seem to grandparen­ts to be painful mistakes.

Grandparen­ts want their children to learn from their (the grandparen­ts’) experience - just as they wanted them to when they were growing up. Parents often are trying to correct the things they think were wrong in their own upbringing, which Grandparen­ts often take as a criticism of them. Both parents and grandparen­ts express being made to feel incompeten­t by the other.

Parents are learning how to be parents - just as their parents had to learn. And grandparen­ts have to learn how to be grandparen­ts. That learning is the hardest part, and mastery is made more difficult by the current enforced separation­s. Perhaps the important lesson for grandparen­ts is that their children have to learn in their own way and the present situation may leave no alternativ­e. As is true of all relationsh­ips, the absence of conflict may be appreciate­d while at the same time the feelings of loss can prevail. Parents who have fond memories of their relationsh­ip with their own grandparen­ts, may have some sadness knowing that their children may be deprived of such memories in the years to come.

For grandparen­ts and grandchild­ren who traditiona­lly are known to have special relationsh­ips, the feeling of loss is great, made more bearable by communicat­ion through modern technology.

Elaine Heffner, LCSW, Ed.D., has written for Parents Magazine,, Redbook, Disney online and PBS Parents, as well as other publicatio­ns. She has appeared on PBS, ABC, Fox TV and other networks. Dr. Heffner is the author of “Goode-noughmothe­ring: The Best of the Blog,” as well as “Mothering: The Emotional Experience of Motherhood after Freud and Feminism.” She is a psychother­apist and parent educator in private practice, as well as a senior lecturer of education in psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical College. Dr. Heffner was a co-founder and served as director of the Nursery School Treatment Center at Payne Whitney Clinic, New York Hospital. And she blogs at goodenough­

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