Imperial Valley Press

Prosecutor: Sedition charge possible for pro-Trump rioters


WASHINGTON (AP) — The top federal prosecutor for the District of Columbia said Thursday that “all options are on the table” for charging members of the violent pro-Trump mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol — including sedition charges.

Michael Sherwin, acting U.S. attorney for D.C., said prosecutor­s plan to file 15 federal cases on Thursday for crimes including unauthoriz­ed access and theft of property, and investigat­ors are combing through reams of evidence to bring additional charges.

“All of those charges are on the table,” he said. “We’re not going to keep anything out of our arsenal for potential charges. We will bring the most maximum charges we can based upon the conduct.”

Sherwin said 40 other cases had already been filed in District of Columbia Superior Court.

More than 90 people have been arrested in Washington and more arrests are likely. U.S. attorneys from across the country have vowed to find and bring to justice any residents who participat­ed in the insurrecti­on aimed at thwarting the peaceful transfer of power. But it could take weeks to build cases against the rioters.

Experts say some could face the rarely used seditious conspiracy charge. It’s the same charge former Attorney General William Barr’s Justice Department told prosecutor­s to consider levying against those who caused violence at protests last summer over the killings of Black Americans by police.

Other possible charges for the pro-Trump mob include civil disorder, destructio­n of property and rioting, experts say.

“You can literally throw the book at them and it would be a pretty heavy book,” said Laurie Levenson, a former federal prosecutor and professor at Loyola Law School. Levenson said it’s important for prosecutor­s to send a message with their charges.

“This cannot happen again,” she said. “This was a very scary moment for America and it cannot set a precedent that the way you deal with political opposition is through violence and destructio­n.”

The Department of Justice has aggressive­ly gone after demonstrat­ors who caused violence during the protests over police brutality, charging more than 300 with crimes including civil disorder and burglary. In many cases, prosecutor­s pushed to keep them locked up while they await trial despite the virus crisis that has ravaged jails and prisons across the U.S.

Then-Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, who stepped into the top DOJ job when Barr resigned last month, told prosecutor­s in a memo in September that they should consider the use of seditious conspiracy charges against violent demonstrat­ors, saying it does not require proof of a plot to overthrow the U.S. government. No one charged in the civil unrest sparked by George Floyd’s death has actually been charged with sedition.

The charge, which carries up to 20 years in prison, could apply to those who “by force prevent, hinder or delay the execution” of any U.S. law or “by force seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof,” Rosen wrote.

He cited as a hypothetic­al example: “a group has conspired to take a federal courthouse or other federal property by force.”

“I do think there are some pretty strong cases, or at least some potential cases, under that statute,” Levenson said of those at the Capitol on Wednesday.

The mob smashed windows and broke doors, sending lawmakers into hiding as they began Electoral College votes affirming Democrat Joe Biden’s victory.

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