Imperial Valley Press


- –Linda Moiola,

Congratula­tions to the powers that be in Brawley. I’m impressed: Your scare tactics worked and Measure U passed.

You tried it last year and at the last minute basically said, “Oops, maybe we shouldn’t have put it to a vote during a pandemic” , which was true because it was soundly defeated. So this year you approached it again using fear … i.e. closing the very important fire station on the east side of town as well as other services.

In 1991, the utility tax was proposed ostensibly to be used to improve the roads that needed major work. My husband and I voted for it. When it was on the ballot again after a couple of years, and work was still needed on the roads, my husband and I voted for it. This was supposed to be a temporary tax, but it has been going for 30 years! The last few times it was on the ballot (I learned my lesson well) I voted against it. But good for you … you found a way to not only tax us again, but to ensure that there is NO expiration date on it. Well done!

I hope the voters in Brawley wake up and petition to have it put on the next ballot to put a stop to it. Oh, and hey, to cell phone owners and people who stream … your day is coming, too! This new and improved version of the utility tax will include you.

Wait for the bills. I hope everyone that fell for the scare tactics enjoy all the benefits that we are going to get … oh wait … nothing is changing, including the fact that for 30 years we are STILL paying this utility tax.


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