Imperial Valley Press

Psychiatri­st won’t give up a patient’s list of medication­s


DEAR DR. ROACH: My sister has asked her psychiatri­st for a list of the medication­s she has been on during the past few years. She would like to try a new one, as she is crying constantly and seems disoriente­d. He won’t explore changing meds and also won’t give her the list, claiming he hasn’t got the time. Isn’t it illegal not to give her this informatio­n? Who should she contact in the state of New York? I am very worried. This does not seem profession­al. -- Anon.

ANSWER: I am not an expert on the law, but in New York, a patient has the right to see their medical record, with some exemptions, which might possibly apply in your sister’s case. The first is that “personal notes and observatio­ns maintained by the practition­er [ i. e., the psychiatri­st]” may be denied by the practition­er. The second is that “informatio­n that the practition­er determines may reasonably be expected to substantia­lly harm the patient or others” may also be denied.

It’s not clear to me how a list of medication­s would qualify as an exception, and I think it likely that the medication list might not have been kept separately by the psychiatri­st, requiring a review of all your sister’s notes to recreate a list, which is indeed time-consuming and might be considered part of the “personal notes and observatio­ns” exemption.

I have two suggestion­s. The first is to go through your pharmacy, who probably does have a list of all the medication­s she has been on ( but I don’t know how long her pharmacy may keep the list). That’s likely to be the easiest way to get the informatio­n.

The second is to have your sister see a second psychiatri­st. Her current psychiatri­st is more likely to give the kind of detailed informatio­n, which another psychiatri­st would need to formulate a new treatment plan, directly to a colleague.

DEAR DR. ROACH: What is dysautonom­ia? Can you explain it and its symptoms? -- V. A.

ANSWER: The autonomic nervous system is comprised of all the things that the nervous system does without our awareness. While you reach out for a cup of tea, you are aware of your arm moving, as well as your hand feeling the teacup and bringing it over to drink: These are all part of the somatic nervous system. But while you are doing that, the autonomic nervous system is regulating your heart rate, body temperatur­e, movement of your stomach and intestines, and a thousand other body functions that a person is normally unaware of.

Dysautonom­ia is a general term for an issue occuring within the autonomic nervous system. This can affect one system ( blood pressure is a common one, with too low blood pressure causing dizziness or fainting upon standing) or many systems. A condition called familial dysautonom­ia affects many systems. In addition to the low blood pressure upon standing, those affected by this condition may have nausea and vomiting, swallowing problems, poorly regulated stomach movement, defective temperatur­e regulation and poorly regulated breathing.

There are unfortunat­ely many diseases that can affect the autonomic nervous system, sometimes as its primary manifestat­ion ( like familial dysautonom­ia and others), or sometimes along with other issues ( Parkinson’s disease is an example of a condition that often affects the autonomic nervous system in addition to the somatic).

Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporat­e them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGood­Health@med.cornell. edu or send mail to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

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