Imperial Valley Press

Spain’s ombudsman registers 445 church sex abuse complaints


MADRID ( AP) — Spain’s ombudsman said Monday that an independen­t commission set up a year ago to investigat­e historic sex abuse by the Catholic church has collected testimonie­s from 445 victims, as the nation tackles an issue other European countries acted on long ago.

Spain’s parliament voted on March 10, 2022 to open the first official investigat­ion,tion, led by ombudsman Ángel Gabilondo, into the extent of sexual abuse committed by priests and church officials. The government was forced to act after allegation­s of abuse involving more than 1,200 victims were published in Spanish newspaper El País, provoking public outrage.

Testimonie­s were still being collected and an update would be issued in parliament before the current government’s term expires this year, Gabilondo’s office said in a statement. Although “satisfied” with the number of victims who felt able to come forward, “what really matters is to listen to the victims ... with respect, seriousnes­s, discretion and confidenti­ality,” it added.

A Madrid- based law firm is conducting a parallel inquiry ordered by the Spanish Episcopal Conference, which for years rejected the idea of taking a comprehens­ive approach to investigat­ing sex abuse.

In a sign that bishops may yet to have fully cooperated with the government-ordered probe, the Spanish ombudsman said that a year after receiving his mandate, “we are requesting the collaborat­ion of different levels of the Catholic Church and we hope to be able to count on it soon.”

Only a handful of countries have had government-initiated or parliament­ary inquiries into abuse like Spain’s.

The most extensive took place in Australia and found in 2017 that 7% of Catholic priests were accused of abusing minors between 1980 and 2010. Judge-led investigat­ions in Ireland from 2005 impacted the Catholic Church’s once-dominant influence in Irish society and politics.

And in France, an independen­t inquiry estimated in 2021 that some 330,000 children were victims of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy or other Catholic-affiliated lay employees from 1950-2020.

In neighborin­g Portugal, an expert panel said last month that more than 4,800 individual­s may have been victims of child sex abuse in the Catholic Church.

 ?? AP PHOTO/PAUL WHITE ?? The President of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, Cardinal Juan Jose Omella, (center) speaks during a press conference in Madrid, Spain, in 2022.
AP PHOTO/PAUL WHITE The President of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, Cardinal Juan Jose Omella, (center) speaks during a press conference in Madrid, Spain, in 2022.

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