Imperial Valley Press

A trio of Trump lawyers have destroyed their reputation­s and careers

- DICK POLMAN Dick Polman, a veteran national political columnist based in Philadelph­ia and a Writer in Residence at the University of Pennsylvan­ia, writes at Email him at dickpolman­

While pondering the pathetic fates of three Trump legal eagles – Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, and Lin Wood – I’m reminded of a line from an old Jackson Browne song:

“The strangled cries of lawyers in love.”

Plus, this old cliché:

“When you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.”

It’s been satisfying to see those guys suffer the consequenc­es of fronting for a crime boss. Lawyers with even a smidgen of integrity know full well there are lines they should not cross, even when the client is a fascist lowlife. But this toxic trio was apparently so in love with their client that they disgraced themselves and soiled the legal profession. Now they’re paying the price.

John Eastman, who won Trump’s heart with his cockamamie scheme to throw out Joe Biden’s wins in seven key states and substitute fake electors, is currently on trial by the California bar – in layman’s terms, he’s charged with trying to sabotage the U.S Constituti­on – and he’ll likely lose his law license. (Lest we forget, he also stoked the January 6 mob with fake claims of Democratic fraud. After the mob went wild at the Capitol, one of Mike Pence’s lawyers emailed this gem to Eastman: “Thanks to your bulls–, we are now under siege.”)

Lin Wood, a Georgia lawyer who pushed the lie that the 2020 election was “stolen” in Georgia and elsewhere, announced last week that he’s giving up his law license – one step ahead of disbarment proceeding­s. The Georgia State Bar said that Wood’s sudden decision to retire “has achieved the (bar’s) goals of disciplina­ry action, including protecting the public and the integrity of the judicial system and the legal profession.”

And then there’s Rudy, the conspiracy freak and Four Seasons Total Landscapin­g host who followed Trump down the rabbit hole and destroyed himself in the process. Last week, an ethics panel for the Washington D.C. bar – having weighed Giuliani’s misconduct during a December trial – unanimousl­y recommende­d that he be permanentl­y stripped of his profession­al bona fides. This disbarment admonition must still be ratified by higher-ups, but it’s hard to imagine that the panel’s scathing fact-packed conclusion­s will be overruled. Check ’em out:

“(Giuliani) attempted unjustifia­bly and without precedent to disenfranc­hise hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvan­ia voters, and ultimately sought to undermine the results of the 2020 presidenti­al election. He claimed massive election fraud but had no evidence of it … his hyperbolic claims of election fraud and the core thesis of the Pennsylvan­ia litigation were utterly false, and recklessly so. Mr. Giuliani’s rash overstatem­ent claiming that the election was stolen had no evidence to support it. His utter disregard for facts denigrates the legal profession….

“(N)o president – until 2020 – refused to accept defeat and step away from that office. And no lawyer – until 2020 – used frivolous claims of election fraud to impede the peaceful transition of presidenti­al power and disenfranc­hise hundreds of thousands of voters. Mr. Giuliani’s effort to undermine the integrity of the 2020 presidenti­al election has helped destabiliz­e our democracy. His malicious and meritless claims have done lasting damage and are antagonist­ic to the oath to ‘support the Constituti­on of the United States of America’ that he swore when he was admitted to the Bar.”

I remember back in 2018 when

Rudy went on TV and declared: “Truth isn’t truth.” Turns out, it is.

Even though tens of millions of Americans have become deaf and dumb to reality, even though big lies have become embedded in the dead space between their ears, it’s heartening to know that a grifter like Eastman can face consequenc­es for violating (in the words of the California bar trial counsel) “our values as a nation,” that the aforementi­oned trio might even be indicted by the Feds for their roles in the failed coup, and, best of all, that the squeaky wheels of justice are still grinding in this country.

It’s enough to make you feel patriotic.

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