Inc. (USA)



apples, feta, and a scoop of tuna fish. I’m terribly routine-based. I’ll do that for three months without a break, and then I’ll change and do something else for three months.

1 P.M.

Meet with the design team. There’s a lot of talk about really granular stuff, like the challenges of yarn dying and weaving. We look at details on a product if we think the key American Giant elements might not come through strongly enough, and do some tweaking.

2 P.M.

Lots of intersecti­ons with my creative team. Website stuff, design stuff. We talk about the detail of the photograph­y—getting more up-close and personal shots of the products so the customer can see the quality and the detail. Those key product meetings are surrounded by other meetings, like one with my CFO.

4 P.M.

Meeting about our holiday line, about design and developmen­t but even more on the supply chain side.

5:30 P.M.

Leave the office. Make a few phone calls on the way home.

6 P.M.

Home. If I’m lucky, I get two hours with my kids, so my wife and I decided that we would both put our phones down from when we walk in the door until the kids are asleep. We’re both pretty adept cooks, and we quickly get dinner together for the five of us. We say a little something before dinner, and we all eat together. Then it’s play time with the kids. We happen to have three balloons floating around, so we play that game where you try not to let them touch the ground.

7 P.M.

Bath time for the kids. My youngest poops on the floor. We get them into their PJs and read to them.

8 P.M.

On the couch with my wife. We watch some Olympic figure skating and discuss what’s going on with the kids and a house project. I keep an eye on my phone for work stuff, which I know is bad.

9:45 P.M.

In bed, reading. No technology in the bedroom for me. I’m reading a book called Breaking Night, about a woman’s journey from homelessne­ss to Harvard. It’s an inspiratio­nal story.

10:15 P.M.

Lights out. In a perfect world I’m getting eight hours of sleep, but it ends up being more like seven. Anything less, and I really notice it. If I’m doing well, I’m in bed at 9:30, so tonight is a late night.

 ?? OFFICE HOURS ?? Left: Winthrop finishing up a conference call before entering American Giant headquarte­rs. Below: A creative meeting to discuss colors and designs for an upcoming season; a closer look at fabric swatches and designs the company is currently considerin­g.
OFFICE HOURS Left: Winthrop finishing up a conference call before entering American Giant headquarte­rs. Below: A creative meeting to discuss colors and designs for an upcoming season; a closer look at fabric swatches and designs the company is currently considerin­g.
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