Inland Valley Daily Bulletin

Iran rejects talks with U.S. to revive nuclear deal as proposed by Europe.

- By Farnaz Fassihi

Iran on Sunday rejected an offer to negotiate directly with the United States in an informal meeting proposed by Europeans to revive the nuclear deal that President Donald Trump exited nearly three years ago.

A spokespers­on for Iran’s foreign ministry, Saeed Khatibzade­h, said recent actions taken by Washington and Europeans had led Iran to conclude that the “time was not right” to hold such talks. His remarks came days after President Joe Biden ordered retaliator­y strikes against Iranian-backed militias in eastern Syria that were tied to recent attacks against American and allied personnel in Iraq.

“There has been no change in America’s positions and actions,” Khatibzade­h said in a foreign ministry statement. “The Biden administra­tion has not set aside Trump’s maximum pressure policy, nor has it announced its commitment­s” under the 2015 nuclear deal abandoned by Trump.

Biden has said the United States will return to the deal if Iran first returns to the commitment­s it made when it was signed. Iran has demanded that the United States lift all sanctions against it, and it has recently taken steps to increase uranium enrichment and limit the access by internatio­nal inspectors to its nuclear sites.

That impasse prompted European signatorie­s to the deal to suggest an informal meeting in which the Americans would attend as a guest and the two sides would get the opportunit­y to engage directly.

Privately, American officials have expressed confidence that the timing questions could be resolved, noting that when the nuclear deal was being put into effect in early 2016, Iran and the United States engaged in a series of precisely coordinate­d actions that eliminated the question of who was making the first move.

But the political sensitivit­ies are high.

Biden is aware that Republican opponents of the deal are looking for any signs that his new administra­tion is making concession­s without getting anything in return. And Iran has a presidenti­al election in less than four months, meaning no Iranian officials want to appear to be bending to American will.

So far, Biden has mixed a willingnes­s to reengage in diplomacy with modest military pushback to Iran’s support of proxy militias in Iraq and elsewhere.

The goodwill gestures included an abandonmen­t of a failed effort by the Trump administra­tion to force the re-imposition of United Nations sanctions that date to before the 2015 deal. The State Department also eased travel restrictio­ns on Iranian diplomats coming to the United Nations and accepted Europe’s invitation­s to direct talks.

But then came Biden’s decision to order military strikes Thursday on several buildings used by the Iranian-backed militia Kataib Hezbollah and other groups in eastern Syria near the Iraqi border. The strikes were a response to a rocket attack on Feb. 15 in northern Iraq that killed one civilian contractor and wounded an American service member and members of coalition troops.

Biden said the strikes were aimed at sending a message to Iran that “you can’t act with impunity be careful.”

The escalating military tensions coincided with Iran weighing whether it would meet with the Americans, a notion that is just as unpopular within Iran’s conservati­ve factions as it is among many Republican leaders in the United States.

A White House spokesman said Sunday that the United States was “disappoint­ed” by Iran’s rejection of the talks but that “we remain ready to reengage in meaningful diplomacy,” Reuters reported.

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