Inland Valley Daily Bulletin

Inland California needs its fair share


One of the most headlineca­tching measures in San Bernardino County this election cycle has been the so-called “secession” measure.

Measure EE was placed on the ballot as an advisory measure asking San Bernardino County residents the following question: “Do the people of San Bernardino County want San Bernardino County elected representa­tives to study and advocate for all options to obtain the County’s fair share of state funding, up to and including secession from the State of California?”

Supporters of the measure, including local developer Jeff Burum, Fontana Mayor Acquanetta Warren, Ontario Mayor Paul Leon and San Bernardino County District Attorney Jason Anderson told our editorial board that the purpose of the measure was fundamenta­lly about pushing for the county to get its fair share of state resources.

The bit about studying “all options to obtain” that fair share is obviously, self-evidently a stretch.

Any basic study of the plausibili­ty of secession in order for the county to get its fair share of resources would affirm that it’s simply not a plausible, realistic or sensible means of getting anything.

But the underlying grievances of the proponents are legitimate. San Bernardino County, for its size, both geographic and population-wise, and its growing population, indeed should be getting more resources from the state.

The county’s judicial system, as a simple example, is short dozens of judges, according to the state’s Judicial Council.

These are matters which should be the relentless focus of county officials and the region’s elected representa­tives in Sacramento. It shouldn’t take something like Measure EE or talk of secession to do that — and indeed, it doesn’t.

As of this writing, approval of Measure EE is narrowly ahead, with 50.6% of county voters voting to approve it and 49.4% voting to reject it. Naturally, this should halt any fantasy of secession.

But whatever the ultimate outcome, the underlying point of Measure EE is sound. San Bernardino County and Inland California in general need to assert themselves in state government and do all they can to get the resources they need.

The region’s leaders must continue to work together to do this in Sacramento.

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