Inland Valley Daily Bulletin

Universal Crossword


(*96:: 3ueblo material )emale sheep $ll two

0iddle Easterq home of the world’s oldest Fapital

“0erfy me µ Crowd’s Flamor 3ressure sourfes at sfhool

Wiqter uqderwear 2ut of Muife Like a highlighte­r hue


3arks or Lu[emburg *Garlifky shrimp dish *Thaqks for diqqer +e pities the fool Dissoqaqt perhaps They’re praftifed iq pre .

Basif foqt With little to Qo Yermouth or with Qo boo]e

+ow to do your best thiqkiqg"

Title for 0aisel or Doubtfire Sailors tie them

Colorful eye part

Weqt off like a smoke deteftor

Tabby for oqe

*Welles of old +ollywood *Straight’s partqer or like a strait Grad degrees

BBB oq the bafk eqfour agemeqts Soffer legeqd aka Edsoq $raqtes do 1asfimeqto $Ftor 2mar or 0ike )lowery tropifal tree Guitar riffs’ relatiyes 0aqipulato­r Do perfeftly Eagle’s home 9odka seryiqg -uqgfrau or the 0atterhorq Boy baqd formed iq


9eqomous Yiper EQHAQFE with heqqa say Deposit iq a Yeiq

Where Fhifks Fhirp

*0ofk “5atatouill­eµ restauraqt Fritif $Qtoq “, BBB Be Sedatedµ soqg by the 5amoqes *3riyafy priyet

Wild horse “BBB la la µ

Tropifal Yafatioq “souyeqirµ Slugger’s sfores $bbr 0ythifal kiqgdom of gold

Subway shoye Elbow’s spot Time of Taylor’s tour 3eoq

)iqger poiqter Warm up for a workout Small Fouqtry iq the 3yreqees 3ersoq who swears by “Das .apitalµ Layer of pa per or wood Spa souqd “Let’s shake oq that µ

Stifk for a marshmallo­w 1either Dem Qor 5ep

Tissue tests Deg from Whartoq

.iqd of pad with sfour power Warhol’s soup FAQ paiqtiqgs aqd sufh

Baker’s meas

Word before “Fodeµ or “Foloqyµ *+awaiiaq porfh

*3irate ship feature

5oast beef au BBB 9olfaqif residue

Corp bigwig Skordalia or guafamole Sqiyel or sob )amily )raftioq of a miq

Answers to yesterday’s puzzle

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