Inyo Register



Dear Annie: In 1996, I met a man while traveling. At the time, I was a single mom of three in a new city and state away from family. I was struggling with finances, child care and transporta­tion. My family and I weren’t close and had many disagreeme­nts, so I moved far away. When I arrived at my destinatio­n, this man got off with me and did not continue his journey.

Within three weeks, we were married. Shortly after that, we had full custody of his young son. We were married for 17 years. During those years, my husband did everything but beat me. He had countless affairs, didn’t always contribute financiall­y and took no responsibi­lity for the home or the kids. I was the main breadwinne­r and took on all that was required of the home and children. The last affair he had was with a woman who I considered, as well as her husband, to be a friend. One day, she called me and said she was pregnant with his child. She divorced her husband and pursued mine with a force. He decided to part ways with me, my children and his family. He bought them a house and married her. A year later, he called and told me the baby wasn’t his but that he was staying because he had cut ties with everyone and the child was all he had.

Fast-forward the clock eight years and now he is divorcing her because she didn’t contribute in any way to the household and she was having affairs. Now he wants me back. At the end of our marriage, I became ill and went on disability. With the increase in everything, I need financial help. Even in our marriage, he was never my physical, emotional or spiritual type. None of that has changed. But being over 50 and on disability with medical issues is not at the top of anyone’s desires for a partner. I just don’t know what to do. I can go back to him and settle for good insurance and financial help, or I can be alone. Also, I still live far away from my family. My children live a few hours away, and I am very alone. What is your advice?

– Mulling Over My Lost Marriage

Dear Mulling: Rekindling a relationsh­ip with your exhusband would serve a means to several ends – but is that really a good reason to do so? Remember, this is the same man who broke your trust, was unfaithful to you and left you to singlehand­edly build and maintain a home and life for your children. Just short of physically hurting you, he has wreaked havoc on your mental health and personal peace in every possible way.

What might seem like a tempting choice now will only turn out to be disastrous in the long run. You already know the ending to this story. I promise that being single and on your own is the less isolating and lonely choice compared to settling for a person who has proved time and again they aren’t anywhere close to being worthy of you.

Dear Annie: The holiday season is in full swing, and with it comes time for something I dread: GROUP TEXTS!

I realize we are in a convenienc­e society, but if you are really serious about wishing ME a happy/merry whatever, please take just a few seconds to send something personal to me instead of grouping everyone together. Inevitably, you get the group text followed by 20-plus annoying dings from people you don’t even know saying the same thing back to the person who sent the group text. Am I the only one who feels this way, or am I being a bah humbug?

– Don’t Group Me

Dear Don’t Group Me: With the exception of family or close friend group chats, you’re right that these sort of mass messages lessen the thoughtful­ness and cheer of a holiday greeting text. At the very least, the person starting the text could copy and paste the same message to each of their friends individual­ly. If it really bothers you, you can always remove yourself from the text group and message the sender privately to discuss the holidays one-on-one.

Send your questions for Annie Lane to dearannie@ To find out more about Annie Lane and read features by other Creators Syndicate columnists and cartoonist­s, visit the Creators Syndicate website at

(March 21 to April 19) Restless Rams and Ewes might want to let others finish a current project while they start something new. But if you do, you could risk losing out on a future opportunit­y.

(April 20 to May 20) The Bovine’s creative forces start revving up as you plan for the upcoming holidays. Some practical aspects also emerge, especially where money is involved.

(May 21 to June 20) Moments of doubt disrupt your otherwise clear sense of purpose. Don’t ignore them. They could be telling you not to rush into anything until you know more about it.

(June 21 to July 22) A planned trip might have to be delayed. Plan to use this new free time to update your skills and your resume so you’ll be ready when a new job opportunit­y opens.

(July 23 to August 22) A flood of holiday party bids from business contacts allows you to mix work and pleasure. Your knowledge, plus your Leonine charm, wins you a new slew of



(August 23 to September 22) An unexpected act by a colleague complicate­s an agreement, causing delays in implementi­ng it. Check out the motive for this move: It’s not what you might suspect.

(September 23 to October 22) You might want to cut ties with an ingrate who seems to have forgotten your past generosity. But there might be a reason for this behavior that you should be in the know about. Ask.


(October 23 to November 21) Be careful not to set things in stone. Much could happen over the next several days that will make you rethink some decisions, and maybe change them.


(November 22 to December 21) Your plans to help provide holiday cheer for the less fortunate inspire others to follow your generous example. Expect welcome news by week’s end.


(December 22 to January 19) You’re in your glory as you start planning for the holiday season ahead. But leave time to deal with a problem that needs a quick and fair resolution.

(January 20 to February 18) The upcoming holiday season provides a perfect setting for strengthen­ing relationsh­ips with kin and others. A new contact has important informatio­n.

(February 19 to March 20) Instead of fretting over a cutting remark by a co-worker, chalk it up to an outburst of envy of your wellrespec­ted status among both your colleagues and superiors.


WEEK: You instinctiv­ely know when to be serious and when to be humorous -attributes everyone finds endearing.


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