Inyo Register

Clearing up the news about Trump


I just wanted to write in to say how much I enjoyed Bob Woodson’s latest letter “Stand Behind Trump” (April 2). Like his previous letters that I’ve read it definitely DOES NOT read anything like right wing, conspiracy theory propaganda. I only wish that he would reveal the sources of his informatio­n so that the rest of us can share in the TRUTH.

I did notice a couple of little things that I’m not clear on. He suggested that the count of Bill and Hillary’s business associates that have mysterious­ly turned up dead is 71. I would think that that number would have to be into the triple digits by now.

Another little thing he mentioned was Trump EARNED all his money, and honestly. I may be mistaken but it seems that I read once that he inherited a few hundred million dollars from his father, admittedly not a lot, but still. Also it seems like he was recently convicted of fraud and fined 450+ million dollars. That crazy judge obviously didn’t know how honest his business practices have been his whole life.

Wait, how about Trump University? Wasn’t that shut down for fraud and the students got their money refunded? But he is quite the businessma­n; Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka, Trump Airlines, Trump: The Game, Trump Ice, Trump Magazine, Trump Tower Tampa, Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino, Trump Taj Mahal, Trump Winery, Trump Cologne, The Trump Foundation (unfortunat­ely shut down for being a fraudulent charity), etc. And with all those businesses only six bankruptci­es. So I have complete faith that he will be very successful at being a sneaker and bible salesman. And Truth Social is now public. If I were you I would put everything I have into that stock.

Also, I haven’t noticed that all of the legal charges against Trump are melting away. All the ones that I’ve heard of are still waiting for him to prove his innocence. I can’t understand why he is stalling, can you? I know he owes a bunch of money to a woman he’s never met for molesting and defaming her, weird huh?

Another thing I don’t understand is why all of his previous attorneys and advisors are being disbarred, going to jail, filing bankruptcy, taking a plea to testify against him or a combinatio­n of these. My guess is that it’s the left wing, elite, devil worshippin­g, child traffickin­g, deep state, globalist, swamp dwelling Democrats on a witch hunt trying to interfere in the election. Am I right?

And Bob, can you tell us why it is that all of the people on the RIGHT believe everything that is said about Biden and the Clintons? Except what is the truth? And instead believe everything on Fox News when the owner has admitted that they lie to get ratings? This is from NPR reporting on a court case against Fox: “Murdoch, the network’s controllin­g owner, followed the lead of the network’s senior executives in sidesteppi­ng the truth for a pro-Trump audience angered when confronted by the facts.” Ouch!

Now that I’ve cleared up the news for you, you wanted to know if President Biden has done anything great. I can think of one thing, he won the 2020 election with the MOST VOTES EVER by a candidate in a U.S. presidenti­al election. That’s in Wikipedia if you care to look it up.

Steve Garrison Bishop

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