Journal Star

Company cancels plans to recover more Titanic artifacts

- Ben Finley AP

NORFOLK, Va. – The company that owns the salvage rights to the Titanic shipwreck has canceled plans to retrieve more artifacts from the site because the leader of the upcoming expedition died in the Titan submersibl­e implosion, according to documents filed in a U.S. District Court on Wednesday.

The decision could impact a looming court battle between the company and the U.S. government, which has been trying to stop the 2024 mission. U.S. attorneys have said the firm’s original plans to enter the ship’s hull would violate a federal law that treats the wreck as a gravesite.

Paul-Henri Nargeolet was the director of underwater research for RMS Titanic, Inc, the Georgia-based firm that recovers and exhibits Titanic artifacts. Nargeolet was lending his expertise to a separate company, OceanGate, when he and four others died on the Titan’s final dive near the Titanic in June.

Before the tragic dive, RMST planned to take images inside and outside of the wreck. The firm also wanted to retrieve items from the debris field as well as freestandi­ng objects within the sunken ocean liner.

Nargeolet was supposed to be in charge. The former French navy officer had already completed 37 dives and supervised the recovery of about 5,000 Titanic artifacts. RMST’s exhibits have displayed items ranging from silverware to a piece of the ship’s hull.

The company’s original 2024 expedition plan also included possibly retrieving objects from the ship’s famed Marconi room. That’s where the Titanic’s radio broadcast increasing­ly frantic distress signals after the ocean liner hit an iceberg.

The messages in Morse code were picked up by other ships and receiving stations onshore, which helped to save the lives of about 700 people who fled in life boats. There were 2,208 passengers and crew on the Titanic’s sole voyage from Southampto­n, England, to New York.

The company said Wednesday in its court filing that its plans now only include imaging at the wreck site and surveys to refine “future artifact recovery.”

“Out of respect for P.H. Nargeolet and his family, and the other four people who perished so recently at the site, and their families, the company has decided that artifact recovery would not be appropriat­e at this time,” the firm wrote.

RMST also said it will not send another crewed submersibl­e to the Titanic until “further investigat­ion takes place regarding the cause of the (OceanGate) tragedy.” The U.S. Coast Guard is leading the probe into the Titan’s implosion.

Meanwhile, it’s unclear how the change in plans could impact RMST’s budding legal fight with the U.S. government. The company’s filing appears to suggest that it no longer plans to enter the ship’s hull, which the government said would break the law.

A hearing was still scheduled for Friday afternoon in U.S. District Court in Norfolk, Virginia, which oversees Titanic salvage matters.

“Today’s filing underscore­s that we take our responsibi­lities seriously,” RMST CEO Jessica Sanders said in a statement.

“In light of the OceanGate tragedy, the loss of our dear colleague PaulHenri ‘P.H.’ Nargeolet, and the ongoing investigat­ion, we have opted to amend our previous filing to only conduct unmanned imaging and survey work at this time,” she said.

 ?? ?? The Titanic leaves Southampto­n, England, April 10, 1912, on her maiden voyage.
The Titanic leaves Southampto­n, England, April 10, 1912, on her maiden voyage.

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