Kane Republican

Warning signs that brakes are faltering


Automoɵve problems are oōen best leō to profession­als. Though seasoned car enthusiast­s may be capable of diagnosing and xing car troubles without the assistance of a trusted mechanic, most drivers are beʃer off leƫng the pros address issues under the hood.

But drivers can sɵll play a vital role in vehicle maintenanc­e. Learning to recognize warning signs of various problems that can affect cars can prevent breakdowns and potenɵally costly repairs. And in certain instances, such as when the brake system is not working properly, knowing how to spot problems before they escalate into something larger can make drivers and their passengers safer and potenɵally prevent accidents.

Television shows and movies have lent credence to the noɵon that brake problems are marked by the sudden cessaɵon of a vehicle’s ability to stop. Though that can happen, warning signs of fading brake systems tend to be more subtle.

• Noises: Much like a knocking sound typically indicates a problem with a vehicle’s air-fuel raɵon mixture, certain noises also suggest there are problems with the brakes. The most noɵceable such sign is a high-pitched squeal that occurs when drivers apply the brakes. But grinding sounds and noises like scratching and scraping also warrant a visit to a brake specialist.

• Increase in stopping distance: An increase in the distance a vehicle travels before it stops aōer the brakes are applied indicates that there’s an issue with the brakes. This issue may or may not require a brake replacemen­t. In fact, it’s someɵmes indicaɵve that brake uid levels are low, which can be remedied quickly and easily. However, an increase in stopping distance is signicant enough that it should be brought to the aʃenɵon of a brake specialist immediatel­y.

• Pulling upon stopping: Another warning sign of brake problems is when the vehicle noɵceably pulls to one side as it comes to a stop. This indicates that one side of the brakes is malfuncɵon­ing while the other is working properly. Like other issues with brakes, this one requires immediate aʃenɵon from an automoɵve profession­al.

Brake systems should be inspected during rouɵne maintenanc­e visits. But issues with brakes can arise even aōer such inspecɵons, which underscore­s how important it is that drivers learn to recognize the warning signs of brake problems.

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