La Semana

Neighbors concerned with the arrival of the Tulsa State Fair


Neighbors of the Tulsa Fair grounds are worried sick about the parking problems that come with the arrival of hundreds of visitants to the annual Tulsa State Fair. The fair opens on September the 27th and neighbors near 21st street between Yale and Harvard are already expressing their concerns about the lack of parking in the area. Usually visitors decide to park their cars wherever they find space to avoid the cost of the fair grounds parking lot, which sometimes means blocking the entrance of private houses and disturbing the neighbors.

In order to address the situation, Fair authoritie­s have increased parking options for visitors, who will be able to park at Expo Square paying $10 or up to $20, depending on the proximity to the fair entrance.

Parking may seem costly, but there are also options for free parking in different points of the city. You just need to park your car and a bus will take you to the fair. The bus comes and goes at different hours, picking up passengers from specific points in the city and driving them back to their cars.

Free parking options will be available at Nathan Hale High School, 6960 East 21rst St; OSU Tulsa, 700 North Greenwood Ave; TPS Service Center, 3027 South New Haven Avenue and Tulsa Promenade Mall, 4107 Avenue South Yale.

The bus will operate Monday to Thursday from 4 pm to 11 pm, Fridays from 5 pm to midnight, Saturday from 10 am to midnight and Sunday from 10 am to 11 pm. At the Tulsa Promenade Mall the bus will start running at 9 am from Friday Sept. 28th to Sunday October 7th. At the TPS Center, the bus will start its journey at 6 pm, Monday to Friday. Remember the amount of parking places is limited. The Tulsa Police Department is reminding the population that all parking infraction­s will be prosecuted, something to keep in mind before blocking the entrance of a house. Cars may be towed right away. (La Semana)

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