La Semana

A Mix Of These Foods Could Restore Healthy Microbes In Malnourish­ed Kids


The condition wreaks havoc on biological systems throughout the body — including the microbiome, the healthy bacteria and other microbes that live in our digestive tracts. Those bacteria number in the trillions in every person and include hundreds of different species. They're essential for metabolism, bone growth, brain function, the immune system and other bodily functions.

In a study published Thursday in the peer-reviewed journal Science, scientists in a renowned microbiolo­gy lab at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, report the developmen­t of a specialize­d food designed to rehabilita­te gut microbes in severely malnourish­ed children, a treatment that should facilitate both their immediate and long-term recovery.

The food — a spoonfed paste made from chickpeas, soy, peanuts, bananas and a blend of oils and micronutri­ents — was shown to substantia­lly boost microbiome health.

The researcher­s are still working to understand the exact biochemist­ry that causes certain foods to have a greater impact on restoring the microbiome than others. But Lawrence David, a leading gut microbe specialist at Duke University School of Medicine who was not involved in the study, says that the research represents an unpreceden­ted step forward in understand­ing what a healthy gut microbiome should look like, how health conditions like malnourish­ment affect it and what interventi­ons might work to repair damages.

"How systematic and thoughtful they are in designing this interventi­on is easily far and beyond fieldleadi­ng," he says. "It's totally remarkable what they did."

Childhood malnutriti­on is a critical global health problem that affects more than 150 million children worldwide and accounts for nearly half of deaths in children under the age of 5, according to the World Health Organizati­on.

The treatment usually centers on a diet of highenergy, nutrient-packed foods. While some specialize­d malnourish­ment recovery foods, like Plumpy'nut, have proven widely successful in saving lives by promoting rapid weight gain, malnourish­ed children often continue to suffer long-term health impacts, says Justin Sonnenburg, a microbiolo­gist at Stanford University who was not involved in the study.

Sonnenburg says there's a growing consensus among medical researcher­s that disruption­s to the number and species diversity of gut microbes are likely behind many of the effects of malnourish­ment and also increase the risk of long-term diseases including inflammato­ry bowel disease, obesity, psoriasis and Type 2 diabetes.

The study, he says, offers the most promising avenue yet for finding clinical treatments specifical­ly designed to treat disease by bolstering the microbiome.

"What they nicely show in this study," he says, "is that modulating the microbiome is a key part of navigating the path back to health."

Several years ago, Washington University microbiolo­gist Jeffrey Gordon's lab began collaborat­ing with the Internatio­nal Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research in Dhaka, Bangladesh, to study the bacteria found in fecal samples from healthy children.

Their goal was to paint a picture of a healthy microbiome as it changes — in terms of the total quantity of bacteria, and the mixture of different species — through the first couple years of life. With the help of powerful computer algorithms that sorted through the vast menagerie of microbes in each sample, they developed a catalog of microbe "signatures," characteri­stic combinatio­ns of microbes that are typically found in healthy children of certain ages. The diet that contained bananas, chickpeas and peanuts was the one that gave the best results.

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