La Semana

Broken Arrow, Owasso are Oklahoma’s best cities for physically active renters


Are you an apartment dweller who likes to keep fit? If so, you might want to consider renting your next apartment in Broken Arrow or

Owasso, according to the rental market experts at Rentcafé.com. As more people, for a variety of reasons, look to Broken Arrow and Owasso as alternativ­es to living in Tulsa, ease of keeping fit just might be the deciding factor.

“Broken Arrow and Owasso are tied for Oklahoma’s best cities to live in if you rent and love to work out, with the convenienc­e of fitness amenities present in 70% of apartment buildings,” RENTCAFÉ stated in a recent press release. “The best part is that the rent difference for those who want to live in such properties is only $13 in Broken Arrow compared to the city average, and no rent difference in Owasso.”

RENTCAFÉ points out that having a gym on site is something that is increasing­ly in demand among apartment renter

“In a recent survey of more than 3,000 renters searching for apartments on, 47% of respondent­s said they were interested in renting in a community with a gym or fitness center,” RENTCAFÉ’S website states. “What’s more, for 28% of these renters, the lack of a gym in the building is a real deal-breaker

Tulsa comes in at number three among Oklahoma’s top 10 best cities for active renters, followed by Midwest City, Moore, Edmond,

Yukon, Norman, Oklahoma City, and Stillwater

Factors considered in the rankings were share of rental buildings with gyms, average city rent, average rent for buildings with a gym, and the difference in rent between those properties with on site gyms and those without. (La Semana)

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