La Semana

Molnupirav­ir: The Drug That May 'Completely' Stop the Spread of Coronaviru­s In 24 Hours


The COVID-19 vaccine may spell the end of the pandemic. But until mass vaccinatio­n is available, it is vital to stop community transmissi­on. In early tests on animals, the new antiviral drug MK-4482 / EIDD-2801 or Molnupirav­ir, has managed to suppress "completely" the transmissi­on of the coronaviru­s in just 24 hours, according to studies by the Institute of Biomedical Sciences of Georgia State University.

"This is the first demonstrat­ion of an orally available drug that quickly blocks the transmissi­on of SARS-COV-2, so it could be a game changer," the researcher­s explained in the work published in the journal Nature Microbiolo­gy .

The antiviral drug was developed at Emory University in Atlanta by the drug innovation company Drug Innovation Ventures at Emory (DRIVE), which was licensed by Ridgeback Biotherape­utics, which partnered with Merck & Co. Molnupirav­ir was originally designed to treat the flu and prevent the virus from making copies of itself, creating errors during viral RNA replicatio­n.

The experts detail that tests were carried out on ferrets and it was observed that they presented a reduction in the amount of viral particles. Then those ferrets were put with others that had not been treated. None of the ferrets in the second group became infected with COVID-19.

"We believe that ferrets are a relevant transmissi­on model because they easily spread SARS-COV-2, but for the most part they do not develop a serious disease, which is very similar to the spread of SARS-COV-2 in young adults," he said. Dr. Robert Cox, a postdoctor­al fellow in the Plemper group and co-lead author of the study.

“We observed early on that MK-4482 / EIDD-2801 has broad spectrum activity against respirator­y RNA viruses and that oral treatment of infected animals with the drug reduces the amount of viral particles spread by several orders of magnitude, drasticall­y reducing transmissi­on. These properties made MK-4482 / EIDD / 2801 a powerful candidate for the pharmacolo­gical control of Covid-19 ”, the report adds.

If this ferret-based data is translated into humans, Covid-19 patients treated with the drug could become non-infectious within 24 hours of starting treatment.

The drug can be taken orally, and treatment can be started early for a triple potential benefit: inhibiting patients' progress to severe disease, shortening the infectious phase to alleviate the emotional and socioecono­mic cost of prolonged patient isolation, and containing quickly local outbreaks.

Molnupirav­ir is currently in advanced phase II / III clinical trials. It is being tested in three different doses every 12 hours for five days in patients with SARS-COV-2.

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