Lake County Record-Bee

More letters of encouragem­ent to students in lower grades

- Submitted Sincerely, Madison Nieman From, MHS Student

Editor’s Note: As part as their final exam, 11th grade students from Hilary Devine’s English class at Middletown High School wrote letters to elementary school students and middle school students encouragin­g them to do well in school (especially students that are at home in a distance learning situation). The RecordBee will print these letters this week in our community pages.

DEAR 8TH GRADER >> I hope online school is going alright for you. It’s quite difficult to get used to this environmen­t. I hope you are having an easy time adjusting to it. I’m not. Next year you become a freshman the days will be longer and you will have more classes and homework. Make sure to do your best in every assignment you receive and always make sure you are in the online meetings everyday. So keep learning everything and enjoy middle school while it lasts.

Take care, MHS Student

DEAR MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS >> I know learning over a computer isn’t easy or what you wanted to do as a highs chool student. Online school isn’t for me either. I know, but trust me you can do it. You just need to keep a positive attitude and when it gets too stressful or too hard just take deep breaths.

It is possible for you to get it all done. The more you tell yourself you can’t do it, I don’t wanna do it, or I’ll do it later, is just being completely negative. Having a negative attitude isn’t going to help you in succeeding and everything is going to be okay as long as you give it your best. You need to keep a positive mindset and be proud of yourself when you get one assignment done. If it gets too difficult or stressful, something you could do is small positive reinforcem­ents for yourself.

For example, when you finish one assignment reward yourself with something you really enjoy doing, once you have done that for some time, go back and do another assignment. I understand distance learning isn’t necessaril­y for everyone, but never give up. Life throws challenges at us, and we need to be ready to take them because life isn’t always easy. It won’t always be like this, but for the time being dedicate yourself more to school than you would normally. More dedication and time for school will help you academical­ly. Another big thing is to ask for help when you need it and don’t be shy, everyone needs help at some point.

Take care, MHS Student


I know online school is a challenge for you because it is for me also. The best advice I can give you is that you just need to pay as much attention as you can and most importantl­y ask many questions. If you don’t ask questions and you’re confused, you won’t be able to figure it out. You got this though—I believe in you, all you can do is try your best. The more effort you put into the better grades you will get and the less stress and more freetime you will get so you’re not rushing to get your things done.

Good luck, Ryan Bennett


I know that distance learning is difficult. I’m a junior and I’m taking my classes online too. In my opinion I think that junior year is the hardest year you will have. As long as you are trying to learn and trying to stay positive you will be fine. If you don’t understand some of the material, schedule a meeting with your teacher. Don’t be lazy and put in the time. Don’t be a brat and be nice to your teachers because they are really making an effort. Keep smiling and stay positive.

Take Care, Andres Lopez

“Listen in the zoom or your grades will go boom.”

— Jonah San Nicolas


I know online schooling is tough. Trust me—I know, but power through because it will all be worth it. Keep up those grades!

From Jonah


I know this year has sucked, but it doesn’t have to. When I learned we’d be doing online school, I was excited and hoped it would be easy and not super stressful. Boy was I wrong. Online Distance Learning is difficult to keep up with for sure, but if you’re one of the people who manage to get their assignment­s in on time and you’re doing well in school right now, I really do commend you for your hard work and dedication to your work. I know this year has been hard, but next year doesn’t have to be as long as we just stay safe and do our best to keep others safe and healthy. I really hope next year is easier and more fun, and I hope you’re excited for it too!

Sincerely, Christian Wofford

Join the Google meet! So you can greet

You can do your work To stay on your feet!

— Marissa Adams


Welcome to online learning. I know this can be a difficult venture but can also be exciting. There are some positives I’d like you to keep in mind when you are finding yourself feeling down about missing in person fun. First, we can attend school in our pajamas. This may seem silly but imagine waking up and logging into class without having to get dolled up. Second, we have shorter school days. I know it doesn’t seem as if this is a positive aspect, but when looking at the computer for hours is our new normal shortening this is helpful. I hope we will be in school again someday soon. Being in highschool is a fun experience filled with activities and interactio­ns. Teachers tend to not treat you like a little kid and you’re able to be involved with as much or as little extra activities as you’d like.

Take care, Marissa Adams

DEAR ELEMENTARY KIDS >> Distance learning sucks, but hopefully in a year or two we’ll be back in school which I’m still not a fan of, but if you do good in school it’ll pay off you might want to take a break for a couple assignment­s but it’ll just become a habit then next thing you know you aren’t turning in anything. Pay attention in class, have respect for your teachers and peers, which seems like no one does nowadays, but respect will go a long way.

— Xavier Perez


I know distance learning is difficult. Especially when you’re in middle school. This is what’s preparing you for the future so even though it’s hard to pay attention, you should try. Corona Virus won’t last forever and you’ll be back at school before you know it!

From, MHS Student


Don’t give up on school. You’re in the easiest times of your school career. Don’t take it all for granted. Make friends, see who you’re gonna crush on later. You’re too young— haha. I love you lil bro.

From, an MHS Student

“When the google meet starts, students do your part.” - Chase Jensen

DEAR STUDENTS >> So online school sucks i know trust me i know what your feeling but you cant let it get to you bro.Think of this as a free trial at life because this zero motivation is exactly what your going to feel as an adult. Online school is nothing like regular school and teachers will post so much work everyday its almost like they want you to fail and instead of sitting there letting everything go missing why dont you prove them wrong and do all your assignment­s done 110%.If you cant win at this you wont win in the future because life sucks and will beat you to your knees and hold you there if you let it.But its not how hard you hit back its how hard you get hit and keep moving forward like sure you got a zero on this assignment now go get 100 percent on the next one.I believe in you.

Distance learning is the bomb

If you have hard questions you can ask your mom

You get more rest cause you don’t have to get up as earl

You can wear pajama bottoms to class if your feeling squirrely

— MHS Student

DEAR 8TH GRADERS >> I have one question for you, what kind of student do you want to be? I know that some of you are probably nervous about becoming high schoolers, but don’t worry it will all be okay. Just remember that things change, at the start of your freshman year it will be different. Some of you might make new friends, some of you may stay close with your old friends, and some of you may become loners and that’s okay ; “

It is much better to walk alone in the right direction than follow the herd walking the wrong direction” — Diane Grant. Just remember to be yourself and the right people will come to you. To get good grades you have to put in effort and try. It will not always be easy, but a challenge can be fun. If something happens that you need to talk to someone about, go to someone you trust. Hopefully you trust your parents enough to talk to them, but if you don’t go to someone you know will help you. Enjoy your four years in high school, because they fly by. You have probably heard that before, but it is true. I thought that my freshman year was slow, but I’m now a junior, almost a senior, and I’m telling you….it FLIES by.

P.S. Sagging is not as cool as you think it is, and wash your hands…


Distance learning is difficult, but if you try your hardest you can succeed. You need to pay attention to your teacher when they are teaching new things to you in class. Math is important because when you get older you will need it in science class as well.

Try to connect with your friends outside of school because you can’t really talk to them while in class. So stay safe you people I probably don’t know.

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