Lake County Record-Bee

City Council to discuss summer events

- By Zack Jordan

The Lakeport City Council will discuss summer community events within the city limits and consider the approval of various infrastruc­ture related projects in addition to the purchase of a police vehicle during their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday.

The Lakeport city staff is looking for direction from council on what community events using public areas are going to take place for this summer. This is in light of the COVID-19 Blueprint for a Safer Economy.

City staff has been working with the Lake County Public Health Department to discuss what events to allow this summer. Public Health will continue to review each event’s COVID-19 Mitigation Plan and they will be required before being submitted to the city.

According to staff, Public Health believes that outdoor community events can be conducted safely with proper masking, social distancing and the inclusion of hand-washing stations.

Events scheduled to be discussed at Tuesday’s meeting are the Library Park Farmer’s Market, Old Time Machines Car Show, Home Amateur Wine Makers Winefest, Lakeport Main Street Associatio­n Shop and Dine and the annual 4th of July event.

Lake County has already moved into the Orange Tier for the COVID-19 Blueprint for a Safer Economy and the state is looking to be fully opened by June 15.

Lakeport City Staff believes that with proper measures in place, events can take place safely. There will be further discussion on various options on how events can take place during the council meeting.

The City Council is also being asked to authorize spending of up to $40,000 to purchase and install equipment in a 2021 Dodge Charger patrol vehicle.

At the April 6 meeting, the City Council authorized an adjustment to the 202021 police budget for the purchase of a vehicle and associated costs.

City Council is looking to approve the use of Senate Bill 1 (SB 1) funds on the North Main Street Sidewalk Project and North Main Repaving Project. The city is projected to receive an amount of $93,932.

The North Main St Sidewalk Project includes the replacemen­t of curb, gutter and sidewalk to meet current Americans with Disabiliti­es Act standards. This project will tie in to the Lakefront Park Project.

The North Main Repaving Project will have limits from 5th Street to 11th Street. Any remaining monies will be dedicated to miscellane­ous roadway maintenanc­e and rehabilita­tion projects.

Also on the council’s agenda for Tuesday is the draft resolution to submit an applicatio­n in the amount of $95,000 for the State community Developmen­t Block Grant Coronaviru­s Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CDBG-CV).

These funds will be used to purchase and install HVAC equipment, and appurtenan­t equipment for the Silveira Community Center.

The meeting takes place at 6 p.m. Please click this URL to join. https://zoom. us/j/9736820178­7?pwd=a2N vVnN6MEFjQ­2Exc2pTZkp­IdU1sQT09 Passcode: 477973 or join by phone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 669 900 9128 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 646 558 8656 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 Webinar ID: 973 6820 1787 Passcode: 477973 Internatio­nal numbers are available: https://

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