Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

Unbound delegates may hold key to Republican nomination

Nearly 200 allowed to make own judgments


West Virginia looks perfect for Donald Trump: a struggling working-class state filled with the types of voters who have backed him elsewhere and could deliver one of his biggest victories.

But a sweep there might not matter. That’s because as many as 34 delegates — the entire contingent — may be free to back whomever they want at the Republican National Convention.

Much the same is true in Pennsylvan­ia, home to a hotly contested April 26 primary, where there are 54 uncommitte­d delegates. Other states and territorie­s, from Colorado to Wyoming to Guam, will send squads of unbound representa­tives.

These are the swing voters of the GOP nominating contest, nearly 200 activists and elected leaders beholden to nothing except their personal judgment and empowered to make or break candidacie­s.

If Trump arrives at the July convention in Cleveland just shy of the 1,237 delegates required to secure the nomination outright, these unbound delegates could decide to push him over the top or force a contested convention with successive rounds of balloting.

“It’s the wildcatter of delegate selection,” said Ed Brookover, a senior adviser to Trump, who drew an analogy to risk-taking oilmen who drill in unexplored land.

The three remaining candidates are identifyin­g these delegates, researchin­g their procliviti­es and starting to cajole them. The law surroundin­g them is so unclear that Trump could fly them to Florida for a weekend of luxuriatin­g at Mar-a-Lago, his palmlined private club, where they could be subjected to personal lobbying to support Trump.

Brookover did not rule out the Trump campaign entertaini­ng delegates at one of Trump’s properties or paying for their travel costs to Cleveland. But he added: “You certainly can’t offer anything which would be considered a bribe. We can’t give them $100,000.”

Charlie Black, who is helping lead Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s delegate strategy, recalled working on Ronald Reagan’s insurgent campaign in 1976 and struggling to court delegates as industriou­sly as then-President Gerald Ford.

“People got to stay at the White House, fly on Air Force One and meet Queen Elizabeth,” Black said.

Federal rules do not provide clear guidance about whether delegates can accept items of value from a campaign, other than reimbursem­ent for their travel expenses. Campaign finance lawyers are divided over whether federal or state anti-bribery statutes would apply to delegates who are not elected officials — and if so, what kinds of perks or inducement­s could be illegal.

After being outmaneuve­red on several early delegate plays by Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, his main rival, Trump is getting up to speed on the complicate­d process. On Thursday, he announced that power to oversee all activities related to the convention and delegates activities would be consolidat­ed under Paul Manafort, a newly hired adviser.

“These unbound delegates are important because they could deny Trump any opportunit­y to get over the magic number on the first ballot, or they could also push him over the top,” said Jason Osborne, a GOP operative versed in convention procedures who advised Trump’s campaign earlier this year but currently is unaffiliat­ed.

By contrast, Cruz has been preparing for this stage of the race for more than a year, his advisers said. The Cruz campaign has methodical­ly recruited supporters to run as unbound delegates in places such as Pennsylvan­ia and West Virginia and plans an intense push to persuade those who will have a vote on the convention floor.

“We’re understand­ing every delegate in the country, tracking them, understand­ing where they came from, what their interests are,” said Saul Anuzis, a former Republican National Committee member who is helping the Cruz campaign on delegate outreach.

The arcane rules governing the nominating process mean that in Pennsylvan­ia, a populous state that all three remaining candidates are targeting, the winner automatica­lly will receive only 17 of the state’s 71 total delegates. The other 54 delegates, who are elected on the primary ballot in congressio­nal districts, will be unbound.

“Even if you stood up and said, ‘I’m for Gov. John Kasich’ and your district duly elected you based on your word, you can go to the convention and say, ‘Nope, I changed my mind,’” Brookover said.

The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review recently surveyed Pennsylvan­ia’s delegate candidates and found that 61 of the 110 respondent­s said they would cast at least their first ballot for the presidenti­al candidate who wins the state’s primary. Thirty-two of the respondent­s said they already are committed to a candidate, while the remainder were undecided.

“They in effect become the Republican Party’s superdeleg­ates, just like the Democrats have,” Anuzis said, referring to the hundreds of delegate slots on the Democratic side not chosen by voters. “They could do whatever they want to do.”

 ??  ?? Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, speaks Saturday at the Colorado Republican state convention in Colorado Springs, Colo. The Cruz presidenti­al campaign has methodical­ly recruited supporters to run as unbound delegates.
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, speaks Saturday at the Colorado Republican state convention in Colorado Springs, Colo. The Cruz presidenti­al campaign has methodical­ly recruited supporters to run as unbound delegates.

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