Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

Experiment shows RNA component possible in space


New research suggests that the sugar ribose — the “R” in RNA — is probably found in comets and asteroids that zip through the solar system and may be more abundant throughout the universe than was previously thought.

The finding has implicatio­ns not just for the study of the origins of life on Earth but also for understand­ing how much life there might be beyond our planet.

Scientists already knew that several of the molecules necessary for life including amino acids, nucleobase­s and others can be made from the interactio­n of cometary ices and space radiation. But ribose, which makes up the backbone of the RNA molecule, had been elusive — until now.

The new work, published Thursday in Science, fills in another piece of the puzzle, said Andrew Mattioda, an astrochemi­st at NASA Ames Research Center, who was not involved with the study.

“If all these molecules that are necessary for life are everywhere out in space, the case gets a lot better that you’ll find life outside of Earth,” he said.

RNA, which stands for ribonuclei­c acid, is one of the three macromolec­ules that are necessary for all life on Earth. The other two are DNA and proteins.

Many scientists believe that RNA is a more ancient molecule than DNA and that before DNA came on the scene, an “RNA world” existed on Earth. But ribose, a key component in RNA, only forms under specific conditions, and scientists say those conditions were not present on our planet before life evolved.

To see if these molecules could have been delivered to Earth by asteroids and comets, a team of researcher­s re-created the conditions of the early solar system in a French lab to see whether ribose could easily be made in space.

They started with water, methanol and ammonia because these molecules were abundant in the protoplane­tary disk that formed around the sun at the dawn of the solar system and are abundant in gas clouds throughout the universe. They were put in a vacuum and then cooled to a cryogenic temperatur­e of minus-328 degrees Fahrenheit.

The resulting ices were heated to room temperatur­e, which caused the volatile molecules to sublimate, leaving a thin film of material.

Artificial cometary ices have been created before in labs around the world, but until now researcher­s have not had the tools to detect sugars such as ribose in the samples.

Cornelia Meinert of the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis said that it’s not just sugar and sugar-related molecules that are created in these experiment­s but also amino acids, carboxylic acids and alcohols.

She said it wasn’t until the group was able to use a new technique called multidimen­sional gas chromatogr­aphy that they were able to detect ribose in these samples at all.

The researcher­s say the ice samples they made in the lab could easily be made in the solar system.

“Our ice simulation is a very general process that can occur in molecular clouds as well as in protoplane­tary disks,” Meinert said. “It shows that the molecular building blocks of the potentiall­y first genetic material are abundant in interstell­ar environmen­ts.”

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