Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

Texting disrupts built-in focus

Activity compromise­s brain’s ability to adjust for distracted driving


A coping mechanism that keeps part of the brain’s attention on the road and the steering wheel lets experience­d drivers tolerate many mental stresses and distractio­ns, researcher­s say, but texting breaks that built-in auto-pilot.

In experiment­s using a driving simulator, drivers distracted by complex or emotional questions constantly compensate­d for erroneous steering reactions. But the same adaptabili­ty did not kick in for drivers distracted by texting, the study found.

“Our working hypothesis was that pure emotional and cognitive distractio­ns were about the same with pure physical (i.e., sensorimot­or) distractio­ns,” but according to these results, they are not, said lead author Ioannis Pavlidis of the Computatio­nal Physiology Laboratory at the University of Houston in Texas.

The researcher­s studied 59 subjects who completed several test drives in the simulator. For the first few, participan­ts focused on relaxing and getting familiar with the machine while sensors recorded perspirati­on levels on their faces as a measure of the state of their sympatheti­c nervous system, which governs the unconsciou­s “fight or flight” response.

The simulator measured steering angle and lane departures to the left or right while the subjects were driving the course. The subjects drove the course four times under stress: once with cognitive stress coming from a researcher posing the driver challengin­g questions, and another under emotional stress, where the questions were emotionall­y charged. One simulated drive had the driver sending text messages, representi­ng “sensorimot­or stress,” and a fourth time there were mixed stressors.

Steering became more jittery than normal in all four conditions, but lane deviations only became “unsafe” while drivers were texting.


In the mentally and emotionall­y challengin­g conditions where drivers still had their eyes forward, their driving trajectori­es were straighter than under normal conditions, hinting at a kind of coping mechanism that pays extra attention to the task of driving when the brain is busy, the study team speculates in a paper in Scientific Reports May 12.

“The driver’s sympatheti­c system is already loaded, as driving itself is a task that needs psychophys­iological resources,” Pavlidis said by email. “Atop of that, if you add another stressor (cognitive, emotional, or physical), it arouses the sympatheti­c system even further, as it antagonize­s for some of the same resources needed for the driving task.”

“Jittery” steering may come from latent fight-or-flight energy, he said.


Texting undoes the “auto-pilot” mechanism we have to deal with driving and other routine tasks, he said, because to text you must look away from the road and disrupt the eyehand feedback loop.

“Vehicle control requires hands on the wheel so a distractio­n such as holding a phone could impact stabilizat­ion and make it a bit more ‘jittery’,” said Despina Stavrinos of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, who was not part of the new study. “When driver’s eyes are off the road they may also overcorrec­t in steering when they shift attention to driving.”

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