Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

A pretend promise

Hillary Clinton’s vow on tax hikes rings hollow


Pretty much everything that is exasperati­ngly off-putting about Hillary Clinton and her presidenti­al campaign can be summed up in her campaign pledge not to raise taxes on anyone earning $250,000 a year or less.

Clinton makes this promise often on the campaign trail. It doesn’t get much attention, perhaps because no one believes she will keep her word.

Listening carefully, one gets the sneaking suspicion that not even Clinton herself believes her tax promise. She stated it earlier this month at the UNLV presidenti­al debates: “I have said repeatedly throughout this campaign: I will not raise taxes on anyone making $250,000 or less.”

It’s a subtle distinctio­n. Clinton didn’t repeat the promise anew; she just reported that she has said it repeatedly in the past.

Does she expect anyone to trust her?

Consider the recent history. George H.W. Bush made a “read my lips” pledge, then broke it by raising income tax rates in 1991 on married couples earning more than $82,150. Bill Clinton ran for office promising a middle-class tax cut, then raised income tax rates in 1993 on families earning more than $140,000. President Obama, campaignin­g in 2008, made a “firm pledge” that “no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase.” Yet Obama broke that promise by raising taxes on cigarettes and on tanning services, and by imposing a tax penalty on Americans without health insurance.

Americans For Tax Reform points out that Hillary Clinton has already expressed willingnes­s to raise taxes in several ways that blatantly violate her own pledge. She backed a soda tax and a gun tax, and she or her campaign has said that she is open to a carbon tax and a payroll tax increase.

If not even George H.W. Bush kept his tax promise, does Hillary Clinton really think she’s fooling anyone this time around? These campaign “promises” are not so much solemn as they are a kind of make-believe. They aren’t real promises. They are pretend promises, pledges issued only to be broken later on. Maybe it’s Clinton’s way of indicating that her tax increases will be less bad than voters might otherwise fear if she weren’t going around making this so-called promise.

Beyond underminin­g Clinton on the “trust” issue on which she is already vulnerable, the tax pledge undercuts her whole campaign theme. Her slogan is “stronger together,” and she and her surrogates regularly fault Donald Trump for what they call his divisivene­ss. But Clinton’s arbitrary $250,000 line — as definitive and impenetrab­le as Donald Trump’s border wall — splits Americans, by income level, into two camps. Those who earn less than the Clintonapp­roved maximum are carefully shielded from any additional sacrifices. Those who earn more are targeted for plundering, so that Clinton and her fellow politician­s can take away the money they earned and use it for redistribu­tion and additional government spending.

Like many government programs, Clinton’s $250,000 cutoff takes a static view of the world. It doesn’t take into account the fact that because of inflation and the debasement of the dollar, a family earning $250,000 today earns, in real terms, significan­tly less than a family Barack Obama was talking about when he made the same hollow promise eight years ago. It doesn’t take into account that $250,000 goes farther in Nevada than it does in New York or California. It doesn’t take into account that the couple that earns $250,000 in one year may have earned much less a few years before and may earn much less, again, a few years later.

I earned less than $250,000 last year and don’t want my taxes raised, so I suppose on some level Clinton’s pledge is trying to appeal to me.

It’s a strange politician who, even when she’s trying to pander, winds up alienating.

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