Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

Straight-A student’s plan not so smart

- JEANNE PHILLIPS Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Dear Abby: My niece, “Amelia,” was a straight-A student in high school. She took advanced placement courses from 10th grade through 12th and was in all honors classes. She talked about going into the medical field after she got her college degree. Before starting college she wanted to take a year off and just live life because she’d had so many college-level courses almost her entire high school life.

My sister (her mother) and I talk every day. Amelia has left home now and returned to their home state of Ohio because she loved it there when she was younger. She hasn’t decided what she wants to go to school for and thinks she can afford to attend college full time, have an apartment on her own and pay for everything she needs. No matter how many times my sister tells her she needs to move back home and attend college here so she can finish her education, Amelia still seems to think she can do it all. My sister is afraid if she pushes her too much, she will shut down. What can we do to make this girl realize life will be easier at home and with support? — Aunt Who Cares in the South

Dear Aunt: Amelia may be suffering from burnout, which is why she wants a gap year before starting college. Because she’s an adult now, she may also want some freedom that she can’t have if she lives at home. The more your sister pressures her, the more Amelia will dig her heels in, so the matter should be put on the back burner for now. When the subject is raised again, it should be in a nonconfron­tational manner — with a spreadshee­t handy so your niece can show her mother how she plans to finance her new lifestyle.

This is a decision Amelia should make without pressure, as well-intentione­d as it may be.

Dear Abby: I am doing an ancestry search to present to my sister-in-law “Kate” as a surprise birthday gift. While doing the search, I discovered that her late mother, “Ellen,” has a sister who lives nearby. My brother believes Kate knows nothing about her. For unknown reasons, Ellen hadn’t spoken to almost her entire family in years.

We’re not sure if I should include Ellen’s sister in the ancestry or not. I think Kate has the right to know, but I don’t want to upset her. What are your thoughts? — Don’t Want to Cause Pain

Dear Don’t: There is always a reason for family estrangeme­nts. However, Kate is an adult and should have the informatio­n you discovered to do with as she pleases, which includes ignoring it.

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