Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

Eyes quickly shift to fight over open seat

A day after Supreme Court justice’s death, Trump says he might nominate woman to replace Ginsburg

- By Gary Martin Review-Journal Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON — After brief reflection on the life of the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg,

Republican­s and Democrats drew battle lines Saturday over filling her vacancy on the nation’s highest court.

President Donald Trump said he would move expeditiou­sly to nominate someone to fill the vacancy, saying it

could happen next week.

“I think the process can go very, very fast. I’ll be making my choice soon, and when my choice is made I’ll be sending it over to Mitch and

the Senate, and they will do what they have to do,” Trump said Saturday. “I think we’ll have a very popular choice, whoever it may be.”

Trump also said that nominee could be a woman. “I could see most likely it would be a woman … If somebody were to ask me now, I would say that a woman would be in first place,” he said.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said he would ensure that Trump’s nominee would receive a confirmati­on vote on the “floor of the United States Senate” this year. McConnell’s statement stands in contrast to the position he took in 2016, when he refused to consider President Barack Obama’s choice for the high court months ahead of the election.

Before Ginsburg’s death, the court was made up of five justices nominated by Republican presidents and four justices nominated by Democratic presidents. If a Trump nominee filled Ginsburg’s seat, the court would tilt more conservati­ve.

Senate rank-and-file Democrats, including Nevada Sens. Catherine Cortez Masto and Jacky Rosen, fell in behind Democratic presidenti­al nominee Joe Biden and vice presidenti­al nominee Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., leading the charge to halt an expedited process and fill the seat next year.

“Last night, we mourned, we honored and we prayed for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her family,” Harris said.

“Well, today, we fight for her legacy,” said Harris, who would become the first Black vice president in history if elected Nov. 3.

Harris paid a visit Saturday to the Supreme Court, where crowds gathered in honor of the second female justice to sit on the high court.

McConnell pushing forward

McConnell wasted no time Friday in plotting an expedited course for nomination and confirmati­on while the Republican­s control the Senate, which could change after the upcoming election.

Still, there were questions about whether he could muster the votes needed. The GOP has a 53-47 majority and can afford to lose only three votes to confirm a nominee

this year. Vice President Mike Pence could break a 50-50 tie and seal confirmati­on.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, said in a Friday interview that she would not vote for a Supreme Court confirmati­on ahead of the election.

Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, who faces a competitiv­e race for re-election, put out a statement Saturday saying that the winner of the Nov. 3 election should select the nominee to fill the post.

And a tape of comments by Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., made in 2016 before he was Senate Judiciary Committee chairman, argued against a vote on Obama’s nominee, Merrick Garland.

“I want you to use my words against me,” Graham said.

“If there’s a Republican president in 2016 and a vacancy occurs on the last year of the first term, you can

say Lindsey Graham said let the next president, whoever it may be, make that nomination,” Graham said then.

The tape of Graham, who now holds the chairmansh­ip and serves as a gatekeeper to the confirmati­on, was quickly spread by Democrats who argue against a rush to fill the post.

On Saturday, Graham flipped on his 2016 comments and said he would support Trump “in any effort to move forward regarding the recent vacancy created by the passing of Justice Ginsburg.”

‘Most fervent wish’

Ginsburg, 87, who lost a battle to cancer, has been critical of Trump over the past three years.

In the days preceding her death, The Nation reported that she dictated a statement to her granddaugh­ter that read, “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.”

A surrogate for the Biden campaign, Rep. Dina Titus, D-Nev., said, “The least we can do to honor her memory is respect her ‘most fervent wish.’”

McConnell changed Senate filibuster rules to allow Supreme Court justices to be installed on a straight majority vote. That change followed one by former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., during the Obama administra­tion to eliminate the filibuster on judicial appointmen­ts for circuit and district judges.

The changes could make it difficult for Democrats to block a confirmati­on vote.

“Democrats have few measures to stop a confirmati­on, but they can attempt to persuade the GOP, Trump and the American people to have a mainstream, excellent jurist,” said Carl Tobias, a University of Richmond law professor and an expert on the judiciary.

“There is enough time because there could be a lame-duck session after the election,” said Tobias, a founding faculty member of the UNLV Boyd Law School.

The Supreme Court vacancy is expected to be a prominent issue in the presidenti­al race.

Major election issue

The Supreme Court vacancy is expected to be a prominent issue in the presidenti­al race, just as it was in 2016, when Republican­s were successful in blocking Obama’s nominee on the premise that American’s choice in the presidenti­al election should decide who fills the high court seat.

Reid, in a statement released through the Nevada Democratic Party, said, “Each Republican senator must now demonstrat­e whether previous protests about filling Supreme Court seats during an election year were sincere beliefs or a shameless example of the cynical hyper-partisan grandstand­ing and obstructio­n that Americans detest from Washington.”

Graham said Saturday that the two biggest changes in judicial nomination­s and confirmati­ons came from Democrats.

He cited rule changes initiated by Reid, and a “conspiracy” by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and the media “to destroy the life of ( Justice) Brett Kavanaugh” to hold that Supreme Court seat open. Kavanaugh was accused of sexual assault that occurred decades ago by a woman who came forward during his confirmati­on hearing.

As the partisan attacks ramp up, political scientists consider the

Supreme Court vacancy as a major issue in the election just weeks away.

Exit polling from 2016 showed that people who viewed the Supreme Court vacancy then as an important issue voted heavily for Trump over Hillary Clinton, noted Kevin McMahon, a political science professor at Trinity College in Connecticu­t.

McMahon said the issue helped Trump garner support of evangelica­ls and conservati­ve Catholics who may have been put off by his personal behavior.

Trump “could motivate people to the polls based on a promise to nominate a conservati­ve” in 2020, McMahon said.

But McMahon pointed to a Pew Research poll this year that showed the Supreme Court is more likely a key voting issue to Democrats and moderates.

Ginsburg was considered a hero by progressiv­es and by women, who were instrument­al in the Democratic takeover of the House in 2018. She was praised for her advocacy of women’s rights and equality for all.

The filling of her seat “could certainly galvanize the left,” McMahon said.

 ?? J. Scott Applewhite The Associated Press ?? At the Supreme Court on Saturday, people mourn the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
J. Scott Applewhite The Associated Press At the Supreme Court on Saturday, people mourn the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
 ?? The Associated Press ?? Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
The Associated Press Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
 ?? Craig Ruttle The Associated Press ?? Mourners gather Saturday at Washington Square Park in New York, a day after the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Craig Ruttle The Associated Press Mourners gather Saturday at Washington Square Park in New York, a day after the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
 ?? Timothy D. Easley The Associated Press ?? A demonstrat­or stands Saturday outside the house of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., in Louisville.
Timothy D. Easley The Associated Press A demonstrat­or stands Saturday outside the house of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., in Louisville.
 ?? Timothy D. Easley The Associated Press ?? The flag flies at half-staff at the Supreme Court on Saturday morning.
Timothy D. Easley The Associated Press The flag flies at half-staff at the Supreme Court on Saturday morning.

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