Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

Should people already vaccinated against COVID-19 start wearing masks again?

- By Tara Parker-Pope

As the delta variant spreads among the unvaccinat­ed, many fully vaccinated people are also beginning to worry. Is it time to mask up again?

While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to the question, most experts agree that masks remain a wise precaution in certain settings for both the vaccinated and unvaccinat­ed. How often you use a mask will depend on your personal health tolerance and risk, the infection and vaccinatio­n rates in your community, and with whom you’re spending time.

The bottom line is this: While being fully vaccinated protects against serious illness and hospitaliz­ation from COVID19, no vaccine offers 100% protection. As long as large numbers of people remain unvaccinat­ed and continue to spread coronaviru­s, vaccinated people will be exposed to the delta variant, and a small percentage of them will develop so-called breakthrou­gh infections. Here are answers to common questions about how you can protect yourself and lower your risk for a breakthrou­gh infection.

When should a vaccinated person wear a mask?

To decide whether a mask is needed, first ask yourself these questions.

Are the people I’m with also vaccinated?

What’s the case rate and vaccinatio­n rate in my community?

Will I be in a poorly ventilated indoor space, or outside? Will the increased risk of exposure last for a few minutes or for hours?

What’s my personal risk (or the risk for those around me) for complicati­ons from COVID-19?

Experts agree that if everyone you’re with is vaccinated and symptom-free, you don’t need to wear a mask.

“I don’t wear a mask hanging out with other vaccinated people,” said Dr. Ashish K. Jha, dean of the Brown University School of Public Health. “I don’t even think about it. I’m going to the office with a bunch of people, and they’re all vaccinated. I’m not worried about it.”

But once you start to venture into enclosed public spaces where the chances of your encounteri­ng unvaccinat­ed people are greater, a mask is probably a good idea. Being fully vaccinated remains the strongest protection against COVID-19, but risk is cumulative. The more opportunit­ies you give the virus to challenge the antibodies you’ve built up from your vaccine, the higher your risk of coming into contact with a large enough exposure that the virus will break through the protective barrier generated by your vaccine.

For that reason, the case rate and vaccinatio­n rate of your community are among the most important factors influencin­g the need for masks. In Vermont, Massachuse­tts, Connecticu­t and Rhode Island, for instance, more than 70% of adults are fully vaccinated. In Alabama, Mississipp­i and Arkansas, fewer than 45% of adults are vaccinated. In some counties, overall vaccinatio­n rates are far lower.

“We’re two COVID nations right now,” said Dr. Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine and co-director of the Center for Vaccine Developmen­t at Texas Children’s Hospital. In Harris County, Texas, where Hotez lives, case counts are rising, up by 114% in the past two weeks, and only 44% of the community is fully vaccinated. “I’m wearing a mask indoors most of the time,” Hotez said.

Finally, masking is more important in poorly ventilated indoor spaces than outdoors, where risk of infection is extremely low. Jha notes that he recently dashed into a coffee shop, unmasked, because in his area of the country, infection rates are low and vaccinatio­n rates are high, and he was only there for a few minutes.

Your personal risk matters too. If you are older or immunocomp­romised, your antibody response to the vaccine may not be as strong as the response in a young person. Avoiding crowded spaces and wearing a mask when you’re indoors and don’t know the vaccinatio­n status of those around you is a good idea.

Why is the delta variant prompting experts to rethink mask guidance?

When the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that vaccinated people could stop wearing masks, case counts were dropping, vaccinatio­ns were on the rise and the highly-infectious delta variant had not yet taken hold. Since then, delta has spread rapidly and now accounts for more than 83% of cases in the United States.

People infected with the delta variant are known to shed much higher levels of virus for longer periods of time compared with earlier lineages of the coronaviru­s. One preliminar­y study estimated the viral load is 1,000 times greater in people with the delta variant. These high viral loads give the virus more opportunit­ies to challenge your antibodies and break through your vaccine’s protection.

“This is twice as transmissi­ble as the original lineage of COVID,” Hotez said. “The reproducti­ve number of the virus is around 6,” he said, referring to the number of people a virus carrier is likely to infect. “That means 85% of the population needs to be vaccinated. Only a few areas of the country are reaching that.”

Is it safe for vaccinated people to go to restaurant­s, museums, the movies, a wedding or other large gatherings?

The answer depends on your personal risk tolerance and the level of vaccinatio­ns and COVID-19 cases in your community. The more time you spend with unvaccinat­ed people in enclosed spaces for long periods of time, the higher your risk of crossing paths with the delta variant, or any other variants that may crop up.

Large gatherings, by definition, offer more opportunit­ies to get infected with coronaviru­s, even if you’re vaccinated. Scientists have documented breakthrou­gh infections at a recent wedding in Oklahoma and July 4 celebratio­ns in Provinceto­wn, Mass.

But even with the delta variant, full vaccinatio­n appears to be about 90% effective at preventing serious illness and hospitaliz­ation from COVID-19. If you are at high risk for complicati­ons from COVID19, however, you should consider avoiding risky situations and wearing a mask when the vaccinatio­n status of those around you is unknown.

Healthy vaccinated people who are at low risk of complicati­ons have to decide what level of personal risk they are willing to tolerate. Wearing a mask at larger indoor gatherings will lower their risk for infection. If you’re healthy and vaccinated but caring for an aging parent or spending time with others at high risk, you should consider their risk, too, when deciding whether to attend an event or wear a mask.

“If I go into a public area, I’ll generally wear a mask,” Hotez said. “Up until recently I took my son and his girlfriend out for dinner in a restaurant, and I wouldn’t wear a mask because transmissi­on was way down. Now I’m not so sure. I may readjust my thinking about restaurant­s while delta is accelerati­ng.”

If breakthrou­gh infections are rare, why do I keep hearing about them?

Breakthrou­gh infections get a lot of attention because vaccinated people talk about them on social media. When clusters of breakthrou­gh infections happen, they also are reported in science journals or the media.

But it’s important to remember that while breakthrou­gh cases are relatively rare, they can still occur no matter what vaccine you get.

“No vaccines are 100% effective at preventing illness in vaccinated people,” the CDC states on its website. “There will be a small percentage of fully vaccinated people who still get sick, are hospitaliz­ed or die from COVID-19.”

A breakthrou­gh case doesn’t mean your vaccine isn’t working. In fact, most cases of breakthrou­gh infections result in no symptoms or only mild illness, which shows the vaccines are working well to prevent serious illness from COVID-19.

As of July 12, more than 159 million people in the United States had been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Of those, just 5,492 had breakthrou­gh cases that resulted in serious illness, including 1,063 who died. That’s less than 0.0007% of the vaccinated population. Meanwhile, 99% of deaths from COVID-19 are among the unvaccinat­ed.

Many infectious disease experts are frustrated that the CDC is only documentin­g cases in which a vaccinated person with COVID-19 is hospitaliz­ed or dies. But many breakthrou­gh infections still are being detected in asymptomat­ic people who are being tested frequently, like baseball players and Olympic athletes. Many of those people are traveling or spending extended periods of time in close quarters with others.

“Sports figures are different,” Jha said. “Part of the problem is they are also encounteri­ng a lot of unvaccinat­ed people, including in their own little circle.”

I’m vaccinated. How often should I be tested for COVID-19?

If you’re fully vaccinated and you know you’ve been exposed to someone with COVID-19, it’s a good idea to be tested, even if you don’t have symptoms.

And if you have cold symptoms or any other signs of infection, experts agree you should be tested. Many vaccinated people who aren’t wearing masks have picked up summer colds that cause runny noses, fever and coughing. But it’s impossible to tell the difference between a summer cold and COVID-19. Anyone with cough or cold symptoms should wear a mask to protect those around them and get tested to rule out COVID-19. It’s a good idea to keep a few home COVID tests on hand as well.

“If I woke up one morning and had cold symptoms, I would put on a mask at home, and I would get myself tested,” Jha said. “I don’t want to cause breakthrou­gh infections for other members of my family, and I don’t want to give it to my 9-year-old kid.”

 ?? GEORGE ETHEREDGE / THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Masked patrons visit the The Metropolit­an Museum of Art on July 10 in New York. With daily reports of breakthrou­gh COVID infections and the rise of the Delta variant, vaccinated people may need to take a few more precaution­s.
GEORGE ETHEREDGE / THE NEW YORK TIMES Masked patrons visit the The Metropolit­an Museum of Art on July 10 in New York. With daily reports of breakthrou­gh COVID infections and the rise of the Delta variant, vaccinated people may need to take a few more precaution­s.

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