Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

Immigratio­n is a gift to America


We are a nation of immigrants. Our ancestors were all asylum seekers, refugees and migrants who left their homeland in search of more freedom, security and prosperity. It is this combinatio­n of our mixed-breed heritage and diverse cultures that has combined to make us the greatest superpower in the world. But we cannot maintain this status without welcoming more people into our country.

America is unique in a very special way. You can go live in France, Germany or Switzerlan­d — but that does not make you French, German or Swiss. But anyone, from anywhere, can come live in America and become an American. We lead the world because we are a rarity among nations and draw our strength from every country and corner of the world.

Former President Donald Trump has reserved some of his most violent and dehumanizi­ng language for immigrants. His fascist, dehumanizi­ng comments make it clear that immigrants have no place in his vision of America.

Immigrants are not poison — they are America’s lifeblood — both an economic and cultural gift.

American businesses are desperate to find workers and migrants are desperate to work. Immigrants fuel the economy by spending on American goods and services, forming new businesses and contributi­ng to the tax base. The nonpartisa­n Congressio­nal Budget Office estimated that immigratio­n will result in a $7 trillion boost to the economy in the next decade.

If we close the door to new Americans, we will have abandoned what makes us exceptiona­l and become just another country. Darryl Cornelius, Las Vegas

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