Las Vegas Review-Journal

Gianforte draws jeers in his first House speech

- By Matthew Daly The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — The newest member of Congress drew boos from some in his own Republican caucus on Wednesday as he called for withholdin­g lawmakers’ pay unless they approve a balanced budget.

Rep. Greg Gianforte of Montana, who was sworn in Wednesday, immediatel­y made waves as he pledged to “drain the swamp” in his initial speech to Congress. The former software executive earned national notoriety last month after he body-slammed a reporter who had questioned him about the GOP health care bill.

In his speech Wednesday to a crowded House chamber, Gianforte called for term limits and a ban on lobbying by former members of Congress. Boos from the Republican side were heard as Gianforte spoke about members’ salaries, and an audible buzz grew louder as he concluded his brief remarks.

In an interview later, Gianforte said he was excited to serve in Congress and “humbled and honored.”

While his arrest last month on assault charges made internatio­nal news, Gianforte said he was greeted “very warmly” by colleagues in both parties.

“I am really excited to be sworn in today and I’m ready to go to work,” he said.

He declined to answer a question about his call for increased civility in politics in the wake of his conviction for assaulting the reporter the day before winning a special congressio­nal election.

Gianforte won a May 25 special election to serve the remaining 18 months in the House term vacated by now-interior Secretary Ryan Zinke. Gianforte, who already has filed for re-election, was sworn in by House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-wis.

House Majority Leader Kevin Mccarthy, R-calif., called Gianforte “a do-er” and said, “We’re happy to have him here.”

With Gianforte in the House, Republican­s have 239 members to 193 for Democrats.

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