Las Vegas Review-Journal

Yucca politics

So what’s Nevada’s back-up plan?

- Don Ellis Henderson

ENERGY Secretary Rick Perry played Ivan Pavlov on Tuesday, floating the idea of using the Nevada National Security Site as one of three possible interim storage locations for the nation’s nuclear waste.

Like dogs to the bell, Nevada’s politician­s responded with varying levels on indignatio­n and melodrama.

“Secretary Perry’s comments today,” said Sen. Dean Heller, a Republican, “are irresponsi­ble, reckless and show a blatant disregard for the state of Nevada.”

Rep. Jackie Rosen, a Democrat, made it known that she is “appalled” — fetch the smelling salts — “to see how tonedeaf this administra­tion is in refusing to listen to the collective voice of an entire state.”

GOP Gov. Brian Sandoval insisted that “no part of Nevada will be home to the world’s most toxic waste, and we will fight every effort that puts our citizens at risk.”

By Wednesday, Mr. Perry had shifted into reverse, telling a congressio­nal committee that, “I think it is appropriat­e to say, there are no plans for interim storage at this particular time in New Mexico, Nevada or Texas or any other site.”

OK. But in the meantime, the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1987, the Screw Nevada bill, remains the law of the land and President Trump has included $120 million in his recent budget proposal to restart licensing for the Yucca Mountain project 90 miles northwest of Las Vegas. The undertakin­g has sat dormant since 2010 when the Obama administra­tion cut its funding as “part of a crude political bargain in which [Harry] Reid agreed to do the president’s dirty work on Capitol Hill if Mr. Obama blocked the nuclear waste repository,” the Wall Street Journal noted last year.

But with Mr. Reid now in retirement, supporters of the project — which include a bipartisan coalition of congressio­nal Republican­s and Democrats, most from states that have nuclear power plants — have seized the opportunit­y.

Make no mistake, Yucca Mountain to date has been a multibilli­on-dollar boondoggle. The pre-ordained process that resulted in its selection as the nation’s lone nuclear waste repository was a sham designed to target a small state with minimal political clout. Nevadans got screwed.

But for 30 years, it’s been politicall­y expedient for Nevada politician­s to rail against the proposal — with varying degrees of conviction, of course — and engage in all sorts of alarmism about everything Yucca. Yet even the most powerful member of Congress in the history of Nevada could succeed in only temporaril­y shelving the project.

The question that Nevadans should now be asking their representa­tives is simple: What’s the back-up plan? Pounding fists on the table and yelling “no, no, no” makes for wonderful TV soundbites. But what about the potential for the state and its residents to benefit financiall­y from Yucca Mountain? Money for education and infrastruc­ture developmen­t? Tax breaks?

Why is it heresy to investigat­e what the federal government has to offer? Because if there is no back-up plan to reflexive opposition, there’s a chance that Nevadans will get screwed a second time.

The views expressed above are those of the Las Vegas Review-journal. All other opinions expressed on the Opinion and Commentary pages are those of the individual artist or author indicated.

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Fax 702-383-4676 tax returns and throw away his tweeter. I personally do not think that is possible because he is a major blowhard and is too self-centered.

I hope that the 35 percent of folks who constantly say that liberals are crying because they lost the election stop the rhetoric, because it is false. The majority of Americans realize the wrong person is in the highest office of the United States.

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