Las Vegas Review-Journal

Immigratio­n flash point

Democrats have moved far left on issue

- Doug Nusbaum Las Vegas Roger Maly Henderson

THE nation’s homeland security chief said last month that members of Congress had “threatened” him over immigratio­n enforcemen­t. John F. Kelly, a retired Marine general, said he was “offended” by such intimidati­on.

Mr. Kelly provided no details, but it isn’t hard to believe the allegation­s, given the nation’s politicall­y charged atmosphere. Yet the proper recourse for members of Congress who seek to liberalize U.S. immigratio­n policy isn’t to badger those charged with enforcing the statutes, but to convince their legislativ­e colleagues to change the laws.

The allegation­s highlight just how far out of the mainstream many Democrats have moved on immigratio­n. For instance, Wall Street Journal columnist William A. Galston pointed out this week that in 2006, a Democratic senator said, “When I see Mexican flags waved at pro-immigratio­n demonstrat­ions, I sometimes feel a flush of patriotic resentment. When I’m forced to use a translator to communicat­e with the guy fixing my car, I feel a certain frustratio­n.” That senator was Barack Obama. Less than a decade later, such sentiments “were out of bounds for Democrats with political aspiration­s,” Mr. Galston observes.

Indeed, progressiv­e activists now freely tar as xenophobic bigots those who simply seek to control the nation’s borders. The intentiona­l blurring of the distinctio­n between legal and illegal immigratio­n is another common tactic designed to cloud the debate.

The political ramificati­ons of such extremism have become clearer, and Democrats are paying the price. Mr. Galston refers to pollster Stanley Greenberg’s recent study of white, working-class voters who supported Donald Trump but had previously backed Barack Obama. Mr. Greenberg found a widespread perception among these men and women that “Democrats have moved from seeking to manage and champion the nation’s growing diversity to seeming to champion immigrant rights over American citizens.”

While few Americans support mass deportatio­ns of those in the country illegally, fewer still back open borders. “It’s not bigotry to calibrate immigratio­n levels to the ability of immigrants to assimilate and to society’s ability to adjust,” argues a recent Foreign Affairs essay by Jeff Colgan and Robert Keohane, whom Mr. Galston describes as “two staunch liberal internatio­nalists.”

Somewhere in Mr. Greenberg’s findings and the sensible pragmatism of Mr. Colgan and Mr. Keohane is a prescripti­on for bipartisan immigratio­n reform that recognizes both the value immigrants bring to the nation’s fabric and the importance of national security and American sovereignt­y. Unfortunat­ely, we’re not even close to such a compromise if some members of Congress feel free to insult and threaten those who are enforcing the laws currently on the books.

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Fax 702-383-4676 a year, then any retirement income to which you are entitled will be reduced by half. And any that you may have already been paid? Well, 25 percent of that will be reclaimed by said injured parties.

Note that we are not talking about inadverten­t errors that will occur. We are talking instances of clear, deliberate perversion­s of justice. These decisions were not in the spur of the moment when someone’s life was in danger. These were deliberate, willful acts taken by people who knew, or should have known, that they were perverting justice. As in bribing jail inmates to falsely testify. crimes, are deported, return and commit more crimes.

It makes no sense to me that anyone would be against punishing repeat criminals. I guess Reps. Titus, Rosen and Kihuen have better ideas to make us safe. What are their recommenda­tions? Do nothing?

Remember, we voted these people in, we can vote them out.

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