Las Vegas Review-Journal

Don’t be fooled: Senate’s tax cuts would mostly benefit the wealthy


Republican­s on the Senate Budget Committee violated their supposedly sacrosanct principles of fiscal hawkishnes­s last week, by saying that it would be just fine with them to add $1.5 trillion to the deficit over 10 years in order to cut taxes. They justify this hypocrisy by asserting what has been disproved time and again — that tax cuts spur the economy and compensate for any lost revenue.

In fact, these cuts could hurt the very people they purport to help — small-business owners, middle-class profession­als and working-class Americans.

While even initial details of the tax plan were not expected before this week, deep corporate tax cuts have been a Republican priority for some time. Much of the discussion of that has revolved around the top rate, now 35 percent. President Donald Trump has called for lowering it to 15 percent, while his economic aides and House Republican­s favor a top rate around 25 percent.

But the rate cut on corporate profits is only part of the plan. A centerpiec­e of proposals made in the past by Trump and the House speaker, Paul Ryan, has been to tax so-called pass-through income at the same rate as corporate profits.

Currently, such income passes through businesses — including partnershi­ps, limited liability companies and sole proprietor­ships — onto the owners’ personal income tax returns, where it is taxed at rates of up to 39.6 percent. Instead, the Republican­s would tax it at the new corporate rate of 15 or 25 percent.

Republican advocates of this proposed sleight-of-hand like to sell it as a benefit for small businesses, freelancer­s and moonlighte­rs — the middle class. But passthroug­h income from nearly 70 percent of small businesses already is taxed at top rates of 15 percent or less, because those businesses are, in fact, small, and their owners’ income is modest.

If pass-through income were taxed at the same proposed rate as corporate income, the real beneficiar­ies would be hedge fund managers, law firms and real estate developers like Trump. Households making more than $1 million would receive more than two-thirds of the benefits if the rate was cut to 15 percent, according to the nonpartisa­n Tax Policy Center.

The average tax cut for millionair­es would be $114,000 in 2018, raising their after-tax incomes by more than 5 percent. For multimilli­onaires, the tax savings would pile up even more. The 400 highest-income taxpayers in the country, with average annual incomes exceeding $300 million each, derive about one-fifth of their income from pass-through businesses.

The Budget Committee agreement is a crucial first step in the tax-cut quest, because Senate Republican­s must approve a budget before invoking rules that let them pass a tax-cut bill with only a simple majority, effectivel­y eliminatin­g the need for any Democratic support.

The strategy now is for the committee’s Republican­s to pass the budget, after the expected vote this week on yet another attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act. After the Senate passes that budget, it would likely become the template for compromise budget legislatio­n with the House. Selfstyled deficit hawks in the House are expected to raise a fuss about tax cuts that are not offset by spending cuts, but when faced with a choice between controllin­g deficits and cutting taxes, it’s a safe bet a majority of Republican­s will choose tax cuts.

Republican­s claim to seek broad support, and a White House official said Tuesday that the rich would not see a benefit from the tax plan. But the proposals they have floated would not benefit their middle-class constituen­cies in any lasting way and could actually harm them. If a passthroug­h plan is enacted, it will deprive the Treasury of revenue that might otherwise be used to invest in infrastruc­ture, health care, science and education — in other words, the real priorities of most Americans.

 ?? TOM BRENNER / THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Vice President Mike Pence, left, is seen Sept. 12 on Capitol Hill after a meeting with Senate Majority Mitch Mcconnell, R-KY., Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, and Gary Cohn, chief White House economic adviser. The Trump administra­tion remains open to forging bipartisan tax legislatio­n with Democrats but will push for a Republican-only plan using the budget reconcilia­tion process if necessary.
TOM BRENNER / THE NEW YORK TIMES Vice President Mike Pence, left, is seen Sept. 12 on Capitol Hill after a meeting with Senate Majority Mitch Mcconnell, R-KY., Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, and Gary Cohn, chief White House economic adviser. The Trump administra­tion remains open to forging bipartisan tax legislatio­n with Democrats but will push for a Republican-only plan using the budget reconcilia­tion process if necessary.

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