Las Vegas Review-Journal

3 Nobel laureates: Myanmar leader committing genocide

- By Julhas Alam The Associated Press

DHAKA, Bangladesh —

Three Nobel Peace laureates on Wednesday accused Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi and the nation’s military of genocide for their role in violence that has forced hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims to flee to Bangladesh.

The laureates, who are on a weeklong trip to Bangladesh to visit the sprawling refugee camps where the Rohingya are living, said at a news conference in Dhaka that their fellow Nobel Peace laureate Suu Kyi cannot avoid responsibi­lity.

One of the laureates, Yemen’s Tawakkol Karman, urged Suu Kyi to “wake up” or “face prosecutio­n.”

Her two colleagues — Northern Ireland’s Mairead Maguire and Iran’s Shirin Ebadi — promised to work to bring those responsibl­e to justice.

All of them were emotionall­y charged as they unanimousl­y called the violence against Rohingya “genocide.”

“There is no other definition, it is genocide, genocide against innocent people,” Karman said. “Millions of people (have) been displaced from their cities, women (have) been raped, all the women, we met like 100 women, all of them (have) been raped.”

She said they were overwhelme­d as they talked to the children.

“Most of the children we met … fled to Bangladesh without their families. Their fathers, their mothers (have) been killed, been murdered,” Karman said.

Karman said that as Myanmar’s leader, Suu Kyi should not be silent.

“She did not tell the truth to the world. She should stop her silence, she should wake up and stop this genocide,” she said.

She urged Suu Kyi to resign, saying otherwise she will “face prosecutio­n.”

 ??  ?? Aung San Suu Kyi
Aung San Suu Kyi

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