Las Vegas Review-Journal

Republican Party taking a stand against free and fair elections


In Pennsylvan­ia, Republican­s who are bent on maintainin­g the state’s gerrymande­red congressio­nal map are once again asking the U.S. rescue.supreme Court to come to their In Washington, D.C., House Speaker Paul Ryan has declined to retain an administra­tor who had led efforts to protect U.S. elections from hackers.

Throw in Citizens United and President Donald Trump’s refusal to combat the Russians on election meddling and more, and it all raises a question:

What do Republican­s have against fair elections?

You’d like to think that American leaders would be loyal to our democracy first and their party second, but it’s increasing­ly clear that the GOP has flipped that script.

The Pennsylvan­ia situation shows how far Republican­s are willing to go tilt the scales.

In February, the Pennsylvan­ia Supreme Court ordered that the congressio­nal map be redrawn. And no wonder, because the map had led to a 13-5 Republican advantage since 2002 even though the state has voted for a Democrat in six of the past eight presidenti­al elections and only narrowly supported Trump over Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Republican­s requested that the U.S. Supreme Court intervene, but Justice Samuel Alito Jr. denied them in no uncertain terms — he declined it without comment and without taking it to the full court.

But when the state Supreme Court issued a new map days later, Republican­s sought another stay from the U.S. Supreme Court.

So here we go again — almost literally, according to experts. They say the GOP’S new challenge is so similar to the last one, it’s likely the U.S. Supreme Court will react the same way it did last time.

“The biggest tea leaf is probably what Justice Alito did the last time when he denied the stay without even referring it to the whole court,” said Michael Li, a redistrict­ing expert at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University, in a story

In February, the Pennsylvan­ia Supreme Court ordered that the congressio­nal map be redrawn. And no wonder, because the map had led to a 13-5 Republican advantage since 2002 even though the state has voted for a Democrat in six of the past eight presidenti­al elections and only narrowly supported Trump over Hillary Clinton in 2016.

by The Philadelph­ia Inquirer. “Republican­s are essentiall­y making a variant of the same argument, so unless Justice Alito has changed his mind, it’s hard to see how you get five votes for a stay — and he may even decide again that this is not something that even needs to go to the whole court.”

As the Pennsylvan­ia Republican­s were mounting their new defense of the state’s patently unfair map, Politico reported that Ryan was attacking fair elections from another angle — by freezing out the chairman of the Election Assistance Commission, Matthew Masterson.

Politico quoted people familiar with the situation as saying Ryan would not recommend that Trump give Masterson another term. Masterson’s current term expired in December, but he’s stayed on while Ryan considered whom to nominate.

By appearance­s, he also stayed on because he’s an increasing­ly rare Republican who cared about fair elections. Politico said state officials and cyber experts have praised him for going about his work in an objective, nonpartisa­n way, and one expert called him a “champion of more secure and better elections the entire time he’s been on the EAC.”

Meanwhile, the other Republican on the three-member commission is playing more out of the GOP’S playbook. Politico said she had “expressed skepticism about the urgency of election security and sharply criticized the Department of Homeland Security for labeling elections as ‘critical infrastruc­ture.’ ” She also criticized DHS for a report detailing Russian hacking.

To be clear, securing our elections is a critical priority, given the extent of Russia’s cyberattac­ks in the 2016 election and warnings from intelligen­ce officials that the Russians will hit us again in full force during the 2018 mid-terms.

Election officials and experts reacted with alarm to Ryan’s move.

“It is clear that Republican congressio­nal leadership and the Trump administra­tion simply aren’t interested in ensuring that our elections are protected from Russian interferen­ce,” Connecticu­t Secretary of State Denise Merrill, a Democrat, told Politico.

This is beyond shameful. There’s no greater duty for an American political leader, Republican or Democrat, than to guard our democracy and work to maintain fair elections.

Given that the GOP leadership has thumbed its nose at that duty time and again, it’s time for Americans to take matters into their own hands during this year’s mid-terms by voting overwhelmi­ngly in favor of free and fair elections and against the Russians, their meddling and the politician­s who let them get away with it.

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