Las Vegas Review-Journal

Media must hold itself to a higher standard Bret Stephens


When Donald Trump takes his swipes at the “disgusting and corrupt media” and tens of millions of Americans agree, it’s not as if they don’t have examples in mind.

Consider this week’s implicatio­n by major news organizati­ons that the president described all illegal immigrants as “animals” during a White House roundtable with California officials. That would indeed be a wretched thing for him to say — had he said it.

He did not. The Associated Press admitted as much when it deleted a tweet about the remark, noting “it wasn’t made clear that he was speaking after a comment about gang members.” Specifical­ly, he was speaking after a comment about members of the Salvadoran MS-13 gang, infamous for its ultraviole­nt methods and quasi-satanic rituals. To call MS-13 “animals” is wrong only because it is unfair to animals.

That didn’t keep partisan critics from going berserk. “IF you are a decent person and were in a meeting where @realdonald­trump called immigrants ‘animals,’ you will denounce him NOW,” demanded Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-calif. “Otherwise, what makes you any different?” Maybe one answer is that they would have taken the trouble to hear what Trump said in context, without invidious media interpreta­tions.

Then there was Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.: “When all of our great-great-grandparen­ts came to America they weren’t ‘animals,’ and these people aren’t either,” he wrote on Twitter. Let’s assume the Schumer family tree does not include ancestors who kidnapped, drugged, raped and murdered teenage girls.

All this is catnip to the president’s apologists, who can now point to a genuine instance of fake news — not merely factually mistaken, but willfully misleading — in order to dismiss the great bulk of negative reportage that isn’t fake. The truth shouldn’t be a cheap trick.

It’s also a monumental disservice to anyone who wants to repudiate the administra­tion’s squalid thinking on immigratio­n. The Trumpian case against supporters of a liberal immigratio­n policy is that we are indifferen­t to law, blasé about crime and blind to the social costs illegal immigrants impose on American communitie­s. How better to feed that case than to misreprese­nt, and then take umbrage at, the president’s tough talk on a psychotic Latin American gang?

The blunt truth is that immigrants have brought crime to our shores for a very long time: Decades before MS-13, there were the Dead Rabbits (Irish), Flying Dragons (Chinese), Undzer Shtik (Jewish) and, of course, the Cosa Nostra. And for just as long politician­s have tried to portray immigrants as criminals, from the Know Nothings of the 1850s to the authors of the Immigratio­n Act of 1924. Now the nativist-in-chief is also the commander-in-chief.

The intelligen­t answer to Trump can’t be that we have nothing to fear when it comes to immigrants, or that every attempt to enforce immigratio­n laws or discuss immigratio­n ills is just a thinly veiled form of xenophobia. The right answer is that, on net and over time, we have far more to gain from immigrants than we have to lose from them.

More to the point, it’s that the policies his administra­tion has pursued — mass deportatio­ns above all — make things worse. In a useful Atlantic article, J. Weston Phippen notes that MS-13 was started in Los Angeles in the 1980s by Salvadoran immigrants, who were then deported back home by the Clinton administra­tion in the 1990s. That only turbocharg­ed the gang in the next decade, creating the domestic mayhem that contribute­d to the Central American exodus Trump now decries.

Conservati­ves used to get the law of unintended consequenc­es. They understood the economic necessity of demographi­c growth through immigratio­n, especially now that the number of U.S. births is at a 30-year low. They knew that immigrants, legal or illegal, do not drive up rates of violent crime at all. And they realized it was vital to promote security and prosperity in Latin America, not least through warm relations and free-trade agreements.

Or at least they mostly got all this until Trump came around. Which leaves it to sensible Democrats and sane Republican­s to repel and defeat the president’s demagoguer­y. That takes a coolheaded command of immigratio­n facts and historical experience­s. Baldly misreprese­nting what the president says is the opposite of that. It’s a gift to Trump.

Yes, it’s infuriatin­g that the president habitually conflates illegal immigrants with violent criminals, and that he buries the signal of his bigotries in the noise of his syntax. I also suspect that the president would be just as eager to deport Latin American immigrants and build a wall with Mexico if groups like MS-13 didn’t exist.

That doesn’t matter. We have a president adept at goading his opponents into unwittingl­y doing his bidding. They did so again last week. Those who despise him for his deceits should endeavor to give no impression of being deceitful in turn.

 ?? SUSAN WALSH / AP ?? President Donald Trump speaks in the East Room of the White House during a prison reform summit.
SUSAN WALSH / AP President Donald Trump speaks in the East Room of the White House during a prison reform summit.

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