Las Vegas Review-Journal

Ban alcoholic daughter from reception


DEAR ABBY: Our son and his fiancee are having a destinatio­n wedding. My husband and I are hosting a local reception because we would like our close family and friends to be able to celebrate their wedding.

Our 24-year-old daughter is an alcoholic who doesn’t see her drinking as a problem. She got so drunk at the last family wedding that the police and paramedics had to be called. She’s currently on probation because she assaulted a paramedic.

The only way she could go to the destinatio­n wedding is if we paid for it, which my husband and I agreed not to do. My husband does want to include her at the party we are having. Because she is uncontroll­able and unpredicta­ble, I do not want her there.

I don’t want to take the chance that she will ruin this special evening. My husband thinks he will be able to control her and that it won’t “look right” if the sister of the groom is absent. I think it would be much worse if she causes a scene, and I would rather avoid a potential disaster. What should we do? — Mother of the Groom

DEAR MOTHER: Your daughter is an addict in denial, which is sad for all concerned. Because her behavior is unpredicta­ble, and there is a strong possibilit­y that she will disrupt the reception, she should not attend. If your husband is worried about how it will look if she isn’t there, he should consider how it will look if the police have to be called and haul her away (again). What your daughter needs is an interventi­on, not an invitation.

DEAR ABBY: I’m a newlywed, married to an amazing man who also brought me an adorable 5-year-old stepson. I have been in both of their lives for three years. We recently found out we are expecting. We haven’t told anyone because we are waiting to get through the first trimester.

How do I answer when people ask if this is our first baby? In a sense, it is, but I don’t want to lessen the importance of my stepson.

I’m looking forward to all the excitement and the advice people can give, and I want to share the news. Do you have guidance on how I ought to phrase the best news of my life? — Over the Moon in Las Vegas

DEAR OVER THE MOON: Congratula­tions on your impending birth. I applaud your sensitivit­y to the feelings of your stepson. If you are asked if this is your first baby, reply that it is your first but your husband’s second. And be sure to tell the “asker” how much you would appreciate any advice about infants, and I’m sure you’ll get an earful.

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at www. or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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