Las Vegas Review-Journal

Americans have a hard time separating facts from opinion


IN a recent discussion about policing fake news, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg alarmingly remarked that he doesn’t block Holocaust deniers on his social-media platform because they aren’t “intentiona­lly getting it wrong.”

Thesadtrut­histhatzuc­kerberg is right: People aren’t great at understand­ing history or current events, and many of them have trouble sorting facts from opinion.

On the topic of the Holocaust, for instance, the statistics are startling.

Eleven percent of all Americans and 22 percent of millennial­s hadn’t heard of the Holocaust or weren’t sure what it was, according toastudyco­nductedby the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, a New York-based advocacy organizati­on.

The study also found that 31 percent of all Americans and 41 percent of millennial­s believe that 2 million or fewer Jews were killed in the Holocaust (that number is actually around 6 million).

Forty-one percent of all Americans and 66 percent of millennial­s cannot say what Auschwitz was (it was a concentrat­ion camp in Poland).

You could blame poor schooling, political partisansh­ip, lack of interest in history and current events or even too much time spent on social media. But our country’s current fake-news dilemma rests on a potent combinatio­n of “all of the above” plus media illiteracy.

The Pew Research Center recently published a quiz that anyone can take to see if they are capable of discerning factual statements from opinions.

The quiz includes 10 items, such as: “Immigrants who are in the U.S. illegally have some rights under the Constituti­on” and “Abortion should be legal in most cases.” The nuances involved in evaluating these two statements may be complex for people who are not journalist­s or otherwise trained to spot fact versus opinion.

The first statement about immigrant rights, regardless of whether it is correct (and it is — unlawfully present immigrants have multiple rights under the Constituti­on, including the right to due process), is about a fact, which can be proven either true or false.

Based on Pew’s survey, only 43 percent of Republican­s and 65 percent of Democrats correctly answered that the immigratio­n prompt was a factual statement, meaning that many identified it as opinion.

“Abortion should be legal in most cases” is seemingly much more straightfo­rward. The word “should” is the warning bell that indicates it is an expression of opinion and not of fact.

However, while 87 percent of Republican­s correctly identified this statement as an opinion, only 74 percent of Democrats did.

Pew concluded that Republican­s and Democrats are more likely to classify a news statement as factual if it favors their side — whether it is factual or opinion.

For example, the statement “Immigrants who are in the U.S. illegally are a very big problem for the country today” is plainly an opinion statement, because it does not define “very big” and therefore leaves the nature of the “problem” wide open to interpreta­tion.

However, only 49 percent of Republican­s correctly identified this sentiment as an opinion — the majority saw it as a factual statement. But 81 percent of Democrats, who are likelier to disagree with the statement, correctly identified it as opinion.

“One especially salient finding is that the basic task of differenti­ating between factual and opinion news statements presents somewhat of a challenge to Americans,” said Amy Mitchell, the director of journalism research at Pew.

“People with high political awareness and those who are very digitally savvy or place high levels of trust in the news media were better able than others to accurately classify the statements,” Mitchell added. “Overall, Americans have some ability to separate what is factual from what is opinion, but the gaps across population groups raise caution.”

It’s pretty clear that Facebook isn’t as key to mitigating disinforma­tion as we’d like.

Unfortunat­ely, there seems to be no simple answer for ameliorati­ng the skewed perception­s of a populace that doesn’t know its history, has strong partisan affiliatio­ns and has little confidence in the media’s trustworth­iness.

Contact Esther Cepeda at estherjcep­eda@washpost. com. Follow her on Twitter: @estherjcep­eda.

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