Las Vegas Review-Journal

Muslims pray for strength after Indonesian quake

- By Tatan Syuflana The Associated Press

PALU, Indonesia — As the sun slipped behind the mountains and a gentle breeze blew onshore, hundreds of people gathered on an Indonesian beach Friday to chant a Muslim prayer — and remember those they lost — one week after a massive earthquake and tsunami ravaged the area, killing more than 1,500 people.

One woman wiped tears from her eyes while mouthing the words as the voices rang out in unison. Another rocked quietly behind her on the same sand where a festival with hundreds of people was being held when the disaster struck.

The chanting marked the end of a day filled with prayers and more burials as many survivors leaned on their faith to help them overcome grief and confusion.

“I hope my dead son has gone to heaven because he was in the middle of praying,” said Abu Shamsuddin, who attended Friday prayers in the afternoon outside the damaged Agung Mosque in Palu city. “Allah willing, heaven for him. I have faith in that.”

Men with skull caps sat on prayer mats in an open field, some weeping openly. Others braved the scorching sun as they listened to the mosque’s imam encouragin­g them to be courageous.

The national disaster agency said the confirmed death toll from last Friday’s magnitude 7.5 earthquake increased slightly to 1,571.

Six more victims were buried Friday in a mass grave, bringing the total to 643.

Disaster agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said in a briefing in Jakarta that the search will continue for hundreds still missing, including many buried in deep mud and debris from collapsed houses and buildings. But hopes are dim for any survivors. Local rescuers continued to dig at the collapsed four-star Mercure Hotel.

But some residents refused to give up hope.

“I am hoping for a miracle,” said Bambang, who has been searching daily at the hotel site for his pregnant wife.

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