Las Vegas Review-Journal

On Election Day, Nevada showed it values equality, maturity, democracy


On Tuesday, Nevada voters sent a thunderous message to President Donald Trump and the extremists who support him. The hateful politics of Trumpism will not be tolerated in our state. In supporting moderate candidates up and down the ballot, Nevadans took a stand against Trump’s efforts to divide the nation and destroy our standards of civility and respectful­ness.

It was nothing short of a heroic effort — voters going to polls in huge numbers not only to shield Nevada from the creep of extremism but to do nothing short of protect American democracy.

It was a victory particular­ly for our immigrant and LGBTQ communitie­s, for women in need of reproducti­ve health services and other specialize­d care, and for disadvanta­ged people in need of health care coverage. But all Nevadans will benefit, with the state government now firmly in the hands of leaders who understand how to heal the wounds opened by the past two years, provide adequate funding for our schools, develop forward-looking policies on renewable energy and take action on climate change, among other issues.

The credit for the outcome goes to a number of people, starting with a strong group of candidates, particular­ly on the Democratic side of the ballot.

But special commendati­ons go to the campaigns and political action organizati­ons that worked to get voters to the polls.

Turnout for early voting and in Tuesday’s balloting was remarkable, especially among groups of voters who traditiona­lly have been apathetic about midterms — young voters and people of color.

The strong turnout was partly driven by backlash to Trump, but it also was an exuberant statement of diversity and optimism aided by organizati­ons like Nextgen America, which focused on getting young voters involved, and the Culinary Union, which once again did a remarkable job in engaging Latinos and other minorities in the process.

Others who are owed an enormous debt of gratitude after Tuesday are the people who organized the election and operated the polling sites — Clark County Registrar of Voters Joe Gloria, his team and the huge group of volunteers working at the county’s voting centers.

Nevadans are fortunate to live in a state where officials are focused on making voting more convenient rather than restrictin­g voting rights under the guise of protecting voting security.

In adopting multiple methods for registrati­on and doing away with the voter precinct model in favor of voting centers that allow Southern Nevadans to cast their ballots at locations throughout the valley, Gloria and his staff have done wonders to facilitate greater participat­ion in the process.

So here’s a round of applause to all of those involved in an unforgetta­ble election.

Nevada emerges as a more promising place, represente­d in Congress by a diverse and capable delegation that will work across party lines to counter the destructiv­e policies of the past two years and protect the interests of state residents.

Voters also made smart choices in statewide positions, the Legislatur­e, the Clark County Commission and other areas, pushing Trump extremists to the fringes where they belong.

For eight years, Nevada has been led by a moderate Republican governor who has prioritize­d progress over party politics. Steve Sisolak will continue that approach, and unlike Gov. Brian Sandoval, will be working with an attorney general who will pull in the same direction, thanks to the election of Aaron Ford.

The full list of winners is too long to fit in this space, but the bottom line is that Nevada voters have put state leadership positions in excellent hands.

In doing so, voters have put the state in a position to help steer the nation away from hatred, racism and would-be authoritar­ianism, and back to the bipartisan, constructi­ve approach to solving problems that has led to America’s greatest achievemen­ts.

At a time when the democracy has never needed us more, Nevadans stepped up to protect it.

 ?? WADE VANDERVORT ?? Democratic gubernator­ial candidate Steve Sisolak waits in line with other voters Tuesday at Kenny Guinn Middle School.
WADE VANDERVORT Democratic gubernator­ial candidate Steve Sisolak waits in line with other voters Tuesday at Kenny Guinn Middle School.

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