Las Vegas Review-Journal

Iran completes space launch

Trump: U.S. will ‘shoot down’ gunboats that harass its ships

- By Robert Burns, Darlene Superville and Jon Gambrell The Associated Press

TEHRAN, Iran — Tensions between Washington and Tehran flared anew Wednesday as Iran’s Revolution­ary Guard conducted a space launch that could advance the country’s long-range missile program and President Donald Trump threatened to “shoot down and destroy” any Iranian gunboats that harass Navy ships.

The launch was a first for the Guard, revealing what experts described as a secret military space program that could accelerate Iran’s ballistic missile developmen­t, which is a major source of U.S. and internatio­nal criticism.

American officials said it was too early to know whether an operationa­l Iranian satellite was successful­ly placed into orbit. Trump’s top diplomat accused Iran of violating U.N. resolution­s.

After Iran’s announceme­nt, Trump wrote on Twitter, without citing any specific incident: “I have instructed the United States Navy to shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea.”

Last Wednesday, the U.S. Navy reported that 11 Guard naval gunboats had carried out “dangerous and harassing approaches” to American Navy and Coast Guard vessels in the Persian Gulf.

The Americans used a variety of nonlethal means to warn off the Iranian boats, and they eventually left. Such encounters were relatively common several years ago but have been rare recently.

Iran said the U.S. was to blame for the incident.

At the Pentagon on Wednesday, the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. John Hyten, a former commander of American nuclear and space forces, welcomed Trump’s tweet as a useful warning to Iran.

Hyten drew a parallel between last week’s naval encounter in the Gulf and Wednesday’s space launch, which he said was “just another example of Iranian malign behavior.”

“And it goes right along with the harassment from the fastboats. … You put those two things together and it’s just more examples of Iranian malign behavior and misbehavio­r,” he said.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the United Nations must evaluate whether the space launch was consistent with Security Council resolution­s.

“I don’t think it remotely is, and I think Iran needs to be held accountabl­e for what it’s done,” Pompeo said.

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