Las Vegas Review-Journal

Do you call back just to say goodbye?


DEAR MISS MANNERS: My cellular phone sometimes drops calls, and I am suddenly disconnect­ed from the person I was speaking to. If this occurs in the middle of a conversati­on, I normally call the person back.

I am wondering what to do if the call is disconnect­ed right at the end of a conversati­on, when goodbyes are either about to be said or are in the process. It seems a little silly to call back to say, “Sorry, the phone got disconnect­ed. So anyway, goodbye!”

I don’t want to risk the other person thinking I rudely hung up, though, by not explaining what happened.

GENTLE READER: Miss Manners realizes that this will be condemned by those who most value efficiency, although she suspects that even they do not appreciate being hung up on.

If you are already busy with the next call, a text will suffice: “I think my phone decided we were done before we were. It was lovely to speak with you. Talk to you soon.”

DEAR MISS MANNERS: I’m married, childless and unemployed, and sometimes face the question: “What do you do all day?”

I can usually tell when it’s just a conversati­on starter with new acquaintan­ces and find those conversati­ons pleasant enough. However, sometimes the question comes from friends and relatives, with an edge to the tone.

The truth is, running a house, organizing a social life and being supportive of my husband’s career take time and work. However, if I say I’m busy, people usually reply that no one is busy who doesn’t have kids.

Although I’m outwardly polite, inwardly I find these conversati­ons unpleasant. Could you tell me how I might handle these inquiries? I’m searching for a response that is polite, rather than sarcastic.

GENTLE READER: You are not searching for a response that is polite, Miss Manners suggests, but one that is not impolite. Your friends and relatives will understand the distinctio­n when you answer their intrusive questions and rude remarks with a cheerful, “Well, I don’t pry into others’ schedules, so that saves time,” before you change the subject.

DEAR MISS MANNERS: When someone doesn’t respond to class reunion queries (they may not have been popular), how do you let them know that you would still like to be in touch?

GENTLE READER: There is a certain logic in reopening an old wound (by reminding your classmate how unpopular he was) to ensure he will be in need of the consolatio­n you wish to offer. But Miss Manners counsels against it. If you would really like to reconnect, issue an invitation.

Submit your etiquette questions to Miss Manners at dearmissma­

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