Las Vegas Review-Journal

U.S. will end current screenings of some travelers



States plans to end enhanced health screening of travelers from certain countries next week, and those visitors will no longer be funneled through 15 large U.S. airports.

Those requiremen­ts were imposed in February to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the government will remove those edicts Monday.

The CDC said the current screening, which includes temperatur­e checks and travelers vouching for their health, “has limited effectiven­ess” because some infected people show no symptoms.

The health agency said instead it will focus on other measures including a stronger response to reports of illness at airports, collecting passenger-contact informatio­n electronic­ally to avoid long lines, and “potential testing to reduce the risk of travel-related transmissi­on” of the virus.

The extra health screening applies to people who have been in China, Iran, most countries in continenta­l Europe, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Brazil. Most people coming from those countries who aren’t U.S. citizens have been barred entry to the country.

The Homeland Security Department did not immediatel­y respond to a request for comment.

A trade group representi­ng the nation’s largest carriers praised the change.

“We continue to support spending scarce screening resources where they can best be utilized,” Airlines for America said in a statement Thursday, “and, given the extremely low number of passengers identified by the CDC as potentiall­y having a health issue, agree that it no longer makes sense to continue screening at these airports.”

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